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【期刊名称】《广东外语外贸大学学报》 【年(),期】2015(26)1

【摘 要】文学社会学相互依存又自觉排斥,中西文学理论历来关注文学与社会的互动关系。罗伯特•埃斯卡皮继承斯达尔夫人、圣伯夫、丹纳和朗松等人的观点,明确了文学的社会性,用实证研究的方法对文学的生产、流通和消费进行有效考证,提升了大众对文学的认识,创新了文学批评的方法。他的理论体系论证了文学性和社会性融会的可能性,却忽视了它们融会的有限性。%There is a natural bond between literature and sociology, though they repel each other

consciously. The inter-active relationship between literature and society is always paid more attention by Chinese and Western literary theory. Robert Escarpit carries forward the viewpoints from Madame de Staël, Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, Hippolyte Adolphe Taine and Gustave Lanson, confirming clearly the sociality of literature. He conducts effective

empirical research on the literary produc-tion, circulation and consumption, which elevates the general public’s notion of literature and develops approaches to literary criticism. His theoretical system proves the possibility of intergrating literariness and sociality, but ignores the finiteness of their integration. 【总页数】5(P72-76) 【作 者】杨维春

【作者单位】湘潭大学•湖南湘潭•411105 / 广东外语外贸大学•广东广州•510420 【正文语种】 【中图分类】I109.5 【相关文献】

1.埃斯卡皮的文学社会学述评 [J], 钱翰

2.实证传统与埃斯卡皮的文学社会学 [J], 丁云亮

3.试论哈罗德·布鲁姆的"文学终结"观——与希利斯·米勒"文学终结"观比较 [J], 洪伟

4.从社会性的谴责批评到文学性的审美鉴赏--论海派文学研究的视角转移 [J], 迎平

5.关于"制度诗学"——论陈寅恪与埃斯卡皮之异趣 [J], 吴夏平

