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询问的英语说法1 ask

询问的英语说法2 inquiry

询问的英语说法3 enquire


Letter of Inquiry ; Letter of Acknowledgement ; WritingInquiry Letter

询问器 interrogator ; challenger ; challenger interrogator ; interrogator-transmitter

询问价格 Enquire about the Price ; Making an Inquiry ; Asking About Price ; Asking for Price

询问机 Interrogator ; inquisitor ; transponder ; interrogation unit

询问情况 Asking for Information ; Inquiry 状态询问 Status Inquiry ; status enquiry

Asking for an offer ; Asked about quotation ; Request for quote ; Ask for a quote

询问预约 Asking for an Appointment 询问的英语例句:

1. He had asked around and learned that Billy was not yet here.


2. One of the journalists queried whether sabotage could have been involved.


3. They asked her some searching questions on moral philosophy and logic.

他们深入询问了她一些有关伦理学和逻辑学的问题。 4. She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront. 她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。

5. She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her.

她写信给派拉蒙电影公司,询问他们是否同意让她去试镜。 6. All this questioning is so analytical and clinical it kills romance.


7. When an accident happens, quite correctly questions are asked.


8. He inquired whether there had been any messages for him. 他询问是否有留给他的口信。

9. Sybil quizzed her about life as a working girl. 西比尔询问了她当女工的生活。

10. Grill your travel agent about the facilities for families with children.

请仔细询问旅行代办人会为带孩子的家庭提供何种设施。 11. The nurses at the admission desk asked her for particulars. 住院接待处的护士询问了她的详细情况。

12. He questioned Chrissie, and listened attentively to what she told him.


13. Susan introduced herself to him and asked him how he was.

