升旗仪式中英文主持词 中:尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好! 英:Good morning, teachers and students! 中:升旗仪式现在开始。 英:The flag rising ceremony is beginning now. 中:执行本次升旗任务的是七年级一班的同学。 英:The task is carried out by Class One, Grade Seven. 中:第一项:出旗。 英:First, flag out. 中:第二项:升国旗,奏唱国歌。少先队员行队礼,老师与其他同学行注目礼。 英:Second, play the national song and raise the national flag! Salute for young pioneers, watching ceremony for others. 中:敬礼! 英:Salute! 中:礼毕! 英:Put hands down! 中:第三项,请王老师讲话。 英:Third, please welcome Miss Wang to make a speech for us. 中:第四项,请主任和校长为学生会人员颁发聘书。 英:Fourth, please welcome Director and Principle to award the appointment letters for the members of Student Council. 中:第五项,欢迎奥体中路学校第一届学生会主席为大家做过旗下演讲。 英:Next, please welcome the president of the first session of the StudentCouncil,, to make a speech for us. 中:升旗仪式到此结束,请各班有秩序带回。 英:The flag rising ceremony is over. Please go back by order. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ac8f4d68680203d8cf2f244f.html