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seed 本来指植物的种子。人们挑选最好的种子准备播种,以取得来年的丰收,并使植物得以繁衍。体育界借用了植物界的seed,作为隐喻。首先是网球运动,继而是其他球类运动,并推广至几乎所有体育比赛项目,将获胜的优秀选手排序,称之为seed seeded player(子选手)。将最优秀的种子选手,称之为number one seed, first seed, top seed number one seeded player, first seeded player, top seeded player(头号种子选手)并以此类推。例如,The top seed won comfortably.(头号种子选手轻松获胜。) The top seeded player was knocked out of the championship. (头号种子选手被从冠军赛淘汰出局。)

seed的隐喻也可以用于运动队。number one seeded team, first seeded team, top seeded team头号种子队以此类推。例如, The Chinese Men's Table-Tennis Team has been seeded first in the next World Table Tennis Championships.(中国男子乒乓球队已被列为下届世界乒乓球锦标赛头号种子队。)

在体育比赛中采用上述seeding system(种子选手制)旨在保证体育比赛的公平和公正原则。在比赛初期,种子选手或种子队分在不同赛区,避免在初赛时就火拼,而得以进入后面的比赛。这样能激励运动员或运动队在棋逢对手时发挥出水平,使比赛好看,有观赏性。

谁也不是天生的或永恒的种子选手。非种子选手(unseeded player)也可能打败现在的种子选手,或晋升为种子选手。例如,An unseeded player won over the first seed by 6-2 in the first round. (一名非种子选手在第一轮就以62战胜头号种子选手。) The first seed lost to an unseeded player by 2-6 in the first round. (头号种子选手在第一轮就以26负于一名非种子选手。)
