
时间:2022-07-08 04:28:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
A commparative analysis of friendship between Americans and traditional Chinese

The world is an organic entity, naturally, any one can not be an isolated individual. All human beings must be associated with some particular relationship like kinship or kindred, also there is also a kind of relationship more widely employed by humans bearing equal importance. Absolutely that is friendship. Friendship is indispensable to persons' life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. But to be specific, what friendship means? Definitions and comprehension are various. Now take Chinese and Americans for example.

Due to different values and culture, attitudes toward friendship are quite different between American and Chinese, manifesting in following several aspects. To begin with, China is a country with a long history, and its culture and ideologies mostly inherited from the traditional civilization. For Chinese people, friend refers to like-minded people. They regard friends as different surname brothers with whom they pour out their hearts. However friend is often used in a much wider sense in the American culture. The term may be used for both casual acquaintances and close companions. American friends may not share as much as Chinese friends usually do, matter how close the two persons are to each other. A friendship may be superficial, casual, situational, deep and enduring because of their frequent moves. In China, friends can know intimately through all aspects about each other, which contrary to American friends in the way of confiding one friend to one area without extending to other areas. In addition, there are obvious differences in time. In Chinese culture, friendship means a strong life-lasting bond between individuals. Relatively, their friendship tends to develop slowly, since they intend to built to last. Chinese people seldom open their hearts immediately, but getting to know and intimate with increasing contact. On the contrary, Americans are able to develop a friendship in a minute, and they may change just as quickly. Furthermore, Chinese people are more desirable over the long-term friendship. However, American friendship is often linked with specific conditions and circumstances. Once the situation is changed, so did a friend. Last but not least, responsibilities entrusted friends are totally different. Chinese friends are placed great expectations, but American people think a friend is to exchange information and interests. It is a relaxed and joyful relationship. So, they expect to an independent one.

Another point needs noting here, that common elements are still existing. There is the recognition that friendship, in contrast with kinship, invokes freedom of choice. A friend is someone who chooses and is chosen. And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take. Importantly, it is this very point that bridging people to involve in the intact society and making so-called impossibilities into possibilities. From foregoing, we may learn that different values maintain different friendship, and with the frequent communications, friendship may change somewhat. Therefore, only we comprehend different cultures can we construct a better world and lead a better future
