倒计时39天 18考研作文预测谁比较准?
倒计时39天 18考研作文预测谁比较准? 距离考研还有39天的时间,考研党们也是“几家欢喜几家愁”啊,尤其是涉及到考研英语作文的部分,很多人更是不知该如何抓住这仅有的时间复习。而且大家都很关心考研作文预测谁比较准这个问题,有的同学更是“上下而求索”,问学长学姐,在网上求推荐等等,也花费了不少宝贵的复习时间。 为了给大家节省时间,小编特意对比了号称预测很准的几本作文书,还真的找到了一本连续11次命中考研作文原题的作文书,就是张国静老师的《写作160篇》(英语二用《写作宝中宝》),在提供模板的基础上,注重写作思路的创新和写作语言水平的提高,同时从词汇、句式、段落、篇章四个方面提升写作能力,适合基础薄弱的同学使用。 不仅如此,小编亲自买到一本《写作160篇》翻看了一下,发现确实很不错,而且还附赠了2本小册子,分别有30篇重点预测的作文题目和范文和推荐浏览的90篇作文题目和范文,建议大家可以背诵重点预测的30篇作文,并熟读推荐的90篇作文,这样你的素材储备更充足一点。 哦,对了,如果你想复习真题,推荐一本学渣逆袭专用的英语一真题资料《考研真相》(英语二可用考研圣经)逐词逐句逐题精解英语真题,把真题文章每句的难点词汇和语法掰开了揉碎一句一句去讲,不用查字典,更不用查语法书。 预测作文命题:雾霾 雾霾近几年是我国北方很严重的一种天气灾害,也是热点话题之一,与环境污染、健康等话题都有很密切的联系。 第一段:描述图画。先对细节展开描述,注意需出现有关雾霾的描述性语句。比如,对二者佩戴口罩的描述以及近在咫尺却无法看清彼此的描述。然后引出图画所反映的问题。 第二段:结合现实,充分延展。先描述当今雾霾的状况,可给出相关调查或报道中的数据加以佐证,由此引出雾霾的危害性,最后引申到雾霾的成因。 第三段:总结评论。呼吁人们为了自身健康保护环境。 范文: Under the haze stand a male and a female who are wearing masks respectively, being apart for only just a half meter. They are stretching their heads, seemingly to find something. After a long, hard stare, they ultimately find that it is a person who stands opposite. Apparently, a murky haze swallows us around the corner. The picture ironically illustrates how terrible air pollution is. Sadly as it is, the phenomenon in the picture is a daily reality. A survey conducted by China Environmental Protection Association shows that the average reading of PM2.5 in major cities of China is hundreds times higher than that in developed countries. Such horrible air conditions are posing a threat to our health and fitness. Dirty air or airborne particles may cause stinging eyes and running nose. These pollutants are hazardous. A notable example is that everyday thousands of people die of lung cancer and asthma caused by air pollution. Some people regard the emergence of air pollution as the side effect of the stimulusencouraged carbuying spree. However, the real blame should be put on the uncontrolled industrial development. Even though the issue whether it is worth sacrificing the environment for the development of economy remains controversial, there is definitely something we can do to save the environment for our own sake, such as taking public transport more often and use renewable energy wherever we can. 译文:相隔不过半米的一位男士和一位女士各自戴着一个大口罩站在雾霾下。他们伸长了脖子,似乎在寻找什么。经过艰难长久的观察之后,他们最终发现站在对面的是一个人。很明显,浑浊的雾霾吞没了近在咫尺的你我。 这幅图讽刺地阐释了空气污染的严重性。尽管看起来令人心酸,但图中的现象却是生活中的事实。一项由中国环保协会开展的调查表明:中国主要城市的PM2.5平均值是发达国家的几百倍。如此糟糕的空气质量正在威胁着我们的健康。污染的空气和空中浮游物会引起眼睛刺痛、流鼻涕。这些污染物是有危害的。一个显著的例子就是每天都有几千人死于由空气污染引发的肺癌和哮喘。有人将空气污染的出现视为刺激和鼓励汽车消费的副作用。但是,真正的责任方应该是无节制的工业发展。 尽管关于以牺牲环境为代价来发展经济是否值得这个问题仍具有争议性,但是为了自己,我们一定可以采取一些措施来拯救环境,比如尽量多乘坐公共交通工具以及尽可能地使用可再生能源。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/adcad8f777a20029bd64783e0912a21614797f20.html