案例:发现,归纳策略 案例特点:通过发现、归纳和实践等方法,学习比较级和最高级的用法。 教学内容:语法教学:比较级和最高级 教学目标:识别比较级和最高级,知道它们的构成,能理解它们在文段中的意义。 教学步骤: Step 1.呈现 将三个大小不等的瓶子展示给学生,并使用比较级和最高级陈述它们。 Here' re three bottles of drinkT his bottle is big. Bottle two is bigger than bottle one. Bottle three is the biggest of the three. 老师描述时将画线句子出示在屏幕上。 Step 2.老师出示幻灯片,并描述其内容。 幻灯片上的三只动物分别是乌龟、猪和狗,三只动物在赛跑,乌龟最慢、猪 比乌龟快,狗对快。另一张幻灯片上有道数学题,一道是初中题,另一道是高中 题,还有一道是大学数学题,底下的文字是: The first problem is difficult. The sec ond problem is more difficult. The third problem is the most difficult of the three. Step 3.老师将一张表格发给学生,让他们找出其中的规则 幻灯片内容: tall short long easy happy early sad big nice later in teresti ng beautiful difficult taller shorter Ion ger easier happier earlier sadder bigger nicer later more in terest ing more beautiful more difficult tallest shortest Ion gest easiest happiest earliest saddest biggest nicest latest most in terest ing most beautiful most difficult 环节点评: 通过上面的引导学生对比较级和最高级有了初步的认识, 为了使学生尽快地 抓住它们的辩护规则, 老师又将一批典型的词的变化形式发给学生, 让学生自己 观察总结规律。 Step 4. 教师将学生分成小组,将阅读材料发给每个组一份,阅读短文并画出比 较级和最高级形式。 (见附件 1) 环节点评: 通过典型知识学习,老师又将文段发给学生,目的是让学生再次熟悉规则, 同时了解它们在真实文段中的使用方法。 Step 5. 请学生们使用所学习的语法讲古代孔融让梨的故事。 环节点评: 老师为学生运用语言提供了真实的情景。 Step 6. 教师发练习,学生通过做练习归纳总结形容词比较级和最高级的形式。 (见附件 2) 环节点评: 在学生观察、 感悟、并试着运用之后, 教师在最后的环节指导学生通过练习 的方法提炼语法规律,这种方法是值得提倡的。 《课标》并没有忽略基础知识, 只是不提倡通过教师灌的途径处理基础知识。 附件 1: A Happy Sunday Last Sunday I with my parents went to the park for a happy day. That morning I got up earlier than before, then I went to buy something to eat. My parent said the food was more expensive, but I didn ' t think so. On the way to the park, I felt different. All the buildings ere taller, all the people were happier, all the boys ere more handsome, al the girls were more beautiful. When we played in the park, my father told me that most interesting story, and it made laugh and laugh. We had an easier lunch, just bread and coke, but I didn feel sad because my father said “ we will have a better supper. That Sun day was my happiest Sun day. 附件2: Study the Samples: happy-happier-happiest; large-larger-largest; smart-smarter-smartest; thin-thinn er-th innest Try Yourself after the Samples: short dan gerous excit ing light great slim red sad fast rude easy n ice heavy early famous fat no slofine isy w 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/add302486bdc5022aaea998fcc22bcd127ff4273.html