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小学六年级同义词辨析 1. 同义词辩异:interesting & interested

1interesting 有趣的可以作定语,表语,修饰人或物,表示能给人有趣感觉的人或事。e.g. He‟s a very interesting man. (他是一个很有趣的人。)

That is an interesting story. (那时一个有趣的故事。)

2interested “感兴趣的常用在句型 be / become interested in 中,…… 感兴趣 e.g. She is interested in art. (他对美术感兴趣。)

2. make …of… make …from…

这两个词组都有……制成的意思。制成品上看不出原料是什麽,用make …from…制成品上还能看出原料是什麽,用make…of… 看下面的例句: We make wine from grapes. ( 我们用葡萄制酒。) We make knives of steel. (我们用钢材制造刀。

make…from… 的被动语态是 be made from make…of… 的被动语态是 be made of…。上两句我们可以改写成被动语态:

Wine is made from grapes. Knives are made of steel. 3. be going to will

1) be going to表示将要发生的动作,有打算 / 即将的意思。例如:

I „m going to sing an English song for you. It‟s going to rain soon. 2) will 用于各种人称,


You will be late. If we can‟t find a taxi, we will miss the plane. *表示请求:

Will you please be quiet? Will you type this? *表示允诺:

I‟ll help you with your maths. I‟ll mop the floor for you. 3) 一般将来时常和下面的时间状语连用:this afternoon tomorrow morning next week

next month next year next Sunday etc…

4. have / has gong to …… (表示去某地,不再说话的地点了。) 是现在完成时

have / has been to 去过…… (去过某地,但是现在不在那儿了。)是现在完成时。例如:

he has gong to Japan. 他去日本了。(他不再说话的地点,可能在去日本的路上,也可能在回来的路上,还可能仍在日本。

I have been to the Water Park. 我去过水上公园。(现在不在水上公园。 He has been to the Yellow Mountains 他去过黄山。(现在不在黄山。

5. too many +复数名词 too much +不可数名词 much too + 形容词或副词 e.g.

too many wild animals 太多的野生动物 too much energy 太多的能量 much too easy 太容易 much too often 太频繁 6. little & a little的修辞:


There is little water in the glass. (杯里没有什麽水了。 2little 表示的意思,可修饰可数名词。 e.g.

This little girl likes singing and dancing. (这位小女孩喜爱唱歌跳舞。) 3a little 修饰不可数名词,表示肯定的意思。 There is a little tea in the cup. (杯里有一点茶。)

4a little 修饰形容词。

This box is a little heavy,I can‟t carry it.

7. all 指三者或三者以上,both 指二者。 all both 出现在be动词后,行为动词前。

They are all under the tree. They are both Young Pioneers. We all work in a shoe factory. You both work hard on your study.

但是在简单的回答中要注意,Are you ready? Yes,we both are /Yes, we all are.

Do you like it? Yes, we both do. / Yes, we all do.

all (三个或三个以上人或物)both(两个人或物) 还可以组成短语, all of you / all of us / all of them / all of the boys / all of the girls …. both of you / both of us / both of them / both of the boys / both of the girls… maybe 可能= perhaps may be 也许是”e.g.

Maybe he is right. (可能他是对的。)

Maybe they are in Room 2. (他们或许在二号房间。)

He may be a doctor. (他也许是个医生。) = Maybe he is a doctor. It may be 12 o‟clock. (也许十二点了。) = Maybe it is 12 o‟clock.

9. 1a lot of = lots of 很多后面可以接可数名词或不可数名词,一般不用在否定


2many, not a few, “很多后面接可数名词。 3muchnot a little“很多后面接不可数名词。 4many much 常用于否定句和疑问句中。

He doesn‟t have many friends. (她的朋友不多。) Does she have much money? (她有许多钱吗?) He will buy a lot of / lots of beef. (他要买许多牛肉。

There are a lot of / lots of books in our school library. (在我们学校的图书馆里有许多书。)

10. read, look at watch都可以译成,但使用法有所不同,认真阅读下面的词组。 read a story read a book read a magazine read a newspaper look at the blackboard look at the picture

watch TV watch a football match watch a volleyball match watch a football match see a film see a friend see a doctor look at the map read the map study a map

11. also too 都用在肯定句中,一般also 用于行为动词之前,be动词和情态动词之后。too 用于句末。either用在否定句中。例如: 1 you are also wrong. 你也错了。

2 I also passed the exam. 我也考试及格了。

3 My brother can also speak English. 我兄弟也会说英语

4 He is a Young Pioneer. I am a Young Pioneer, too. 他是一名少先队员。我也是一名少


5 I don‟t like meat. He doesn‟t like meat, either. 我不爱吃肉。他也不爱吃肉。 12. study & learn

1learn study 学习讲时可以通用。e.g. Are you learning / studying English?

2learn侧重学习的成果,通过学习和练习获得知识或技巧。常用于从不会到会,从不知到知的初学阶段,或带模仿性的学习。可译为学会 / 学到指小孩学习不能用study

只能用learne.g. The baby is learning to speak. He will learn how to drive a car.

Learn from ……学习

3study指深入系统的学习,有研究的意义,侧重学习的过程。另外在学校 习用study 而不用learne.g.

Study hard and you will grasp English well. She is studying in Beijing No. 5 Middle School. I study law in my spare time.

13. pay for sth / pay money for sth 为某物付款 / 花钱买某物

He‟ll pay for the pair of shoes. 他要花钱买这双鞋。

I‟ll pay a hundred yuan for the recorder. 我要花一百元买这台录音机。

14. have to 表示客观迫使必须 / 不得不must 表示主观认为一定 / 必须”e.g.

We must keep our classroom tidy and clean. 我们一定要保持教室的整洁。 He has to take some medicine for his cough. 为了治咳嗽他不得不吃一些药。
