
时间:2024-01-17 01:40:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
be good at的同义词是什么

be good at的同义词: do well in 【解释】 be good at [][bi: ɡud æt] [][bi ɡʊd æt] v.擅长; ; 精通; 熟谙; 【反义词】 擅长于 badpooratbe 【例句】

1.What do you think you'd be good at? 你觉得自己擅长什么?

2.And I have a feeling you'll be good at that too. 我还感到你也会很擅长这行的.

3.I want to be good at this, you know? 我想好好唱歌你明白吗?

4.He wanted to be good at everything he did. 他希望做好每件事。

5.One thing the best of them will be good at is getting on with other people something that really matters in a big company.

