
时间:2022-08-07 19:41:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
时间过的好快,想想明年就研究生毕业了。回想这两年多的小硕生涯,感到欣慰的是,已经完成了硕士课题任务,就等着明年的答辩了。到目前为止,本人已在J Chem PhysInt J Mass SpectromChem Phys等杂志上发表了5SCI论文,下面就详细谈一下我的投稿经历,希望能够给大家一点帮助。

我学的是Quantum Chemistry,主要研究的是Molecular Spectroscopy。大家都知道,研一主要是上课和查文献,一般到研二才真正进入课题。记得我第一次练手是从去年9月份帮我师兄修改文章开始。花了我一个星期的时间,投稿到J Mol Struc (THEOCHEM)。一个月后收到回信,minor revision 当天revision返回后第二天中午就accepted。由于文章很短,是以communication的形式发表的。

我真正开始写文章是从今年2月份开始的。我131日(农历大年初六)从家里返回学校,开始整理数据,到2月底学校开学时,两篇文章已经写出来了。让老板看过后(说实在的,他都没怎么看)3月初开始投稿,一篇投到了Chem Phys上,另一篇投到了J Mol Spectrosc上。4月初收到Chem Phys的回信,也是minor revision。按照审稿人的建议修好后,4月中旬收到结果,accepted。马上打电话给老板,说CP的文章被接受了。为此还高兴了好几天,毕竟是第一篇处女作呀, 三天后收到J Mol Spectrosc的回信。Editor said: “The reviewer has made substantive criticisms and recommends that a major revision be carried out.” The reviewer pointed out many problems; finally said: “Recommendation : not suitable for publication in JMS in present form. Very heavy revision required, to be reviewed again.” 幸运的是,这个体系并不大,算起来比较快,半个月后就把所有的修改工作完成,文章也在5月初顺利地acceptedReviewers' comments: The authors have responded to the referee's previous suggestions reasonably well and publication of the paper in JMS is now recommended. 3月初5月初,短短两个月的时间两篇文章发表,感觉自己很lucky,就因为这个还获得了今年的奖学金。紧接着整理出的一篇文章也在J Mol Struc (THEOCHEM)上顺利发表。有了这三篇文章之后,自己的胆子渐渐大了起来,就想发一篇上档次的文章,于是在7月底往J Chem Phys上投了第四篇文章。本以为会很快rejected于是每天都查看状态,准备改投。Fortunately5天之后状态变成了Securing Referee(s), 15天后改成Under Review25天后收到回复。The first referee pointed out five main problemsand advised major revisionhe said: “The calculations have been performed at a reasonably high level of theory to provide accurate information for spectroscopists. The paper reports key elements of the calculations but does not attempt to interpret the results to a sufficient degree.” However, the second referee said: “This paper cannot be published in JCP because it lacks the amount of new insights necessary, i.e. the interest and impact of this contribution is limited. Although some of the experimental assignments are challenged here, the discussion mainly deals with details of the theoretical results and straightforward comparisons with experimental values. Therefore, I recommend to submit this contribution in a purely theoretical journal, such as IJQC or TCA.” 好的方面是,Editor还是给了修改的机会。于是按照two referees的建议对文章进行了较大的改动,并请一位大牛帮忙修改了一下,补充了几个结论性的观点,20天后投递修改稿。这时候反而很紧张了。两个星期不到就又收到回信,看到minor revision后,仅仅是三个很小问题,心里长长出了一口气。第二天上午修回后晚上10点收到通知,accepted。立马给老板发了个短信:JCP被接受了。submitaccepted前后经历了59天,在感慨JCP效率的同时,也确实学到了很多东西。

5篇论文是第四篇的姊妹篇,写的比后者更详细一些,但终究太多相似,最后投到了Int J Mass Spectrom上。我是115号投的稿,1116号进入With editor123Under Review1218号收到回信,直接就accepted。记得当时看到editor的回信时煞是吃惊!信中写到:I am pleased to confirm that your paper “******” has been accepted for publication in

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Intermational of Mass Spectrometry. Comments from Editor and Reviews can be found below. Reviewer #1: In my opinion the manuscript deserves publication in IJMS. The subject is interesting, the theoretical methods are adequate for the systems under study, the conclusions are well supported by the data, and the manuscript is well organized and clearly written.

Reviewer #2: This is a very well written paper focusing on the computational study of the odd-numbered linear *** cations ***, and the principal author is also a very experienced computational chemist. The authors performed quantum mechanical calculations on both ground and excited states at very high level (CASSCF and RCCSD(T)) and the computed excitation energies are in very good agreement with experimental data. In the meantime, they discussed many other physical and chemical properties of the series of radical cations and compared with the even-numbered series *** which was published by the same authors in the Journal of Chemical Physics this year. I recommend the acceptance and publication of the present paper "as is".


1)看文献时,尽可能的把一些好的句子和短语记录下来,并恰到好处地用到自己的文章里。我平时都喜欢收集一些这方面的东西。举个例子,我是搞计算的,平时离不开theoretical calculationsexperimental results做对比,两者符合的很好(或一致),英语中有多少种说法呢?现列举一下(不一定全,呵呵)agree very well with; be observed to mutually agree with; in good/excellent/better/reasonable agreement with; in accordance with; be accordant/consistent with; be close/closer/closest to…… 比如在介绍Table(s)Figure(s)时可能会用到这些动词:show, display, list, summarize, give, present, report, measure, record, depict, plot, describe and so on 或者这些短语:As shown in Table 1, As Table 2 displays, As can be noted/noticed/seen in Figure 1, It can be seen/found from Figure 2 that, We can see/find/note that, It is noticeable/clear/apparent/obvious that, and so on再比如这些副词、连词或短语:therefore, accordingly, thus, so, however, while, whereas, in addition, on the other hand, moreover, furthermore, what is more, in summary, in particular, yet, gradually, continuously, obviously, gently, monotonically, hitherto, currently, at present, herein, recently, more recently。虽然本人的英语连四级都没过,但投稿时编辑和审稿人从没说过文章的语言和语法有问题,估计和平时这些积累有关吧。在写作的过程中, 最讲究语言的连贯,有意无意地插入一些连词或副词短语,可以增强文章的可读性,给审稿人一个好的印象。

2 投稿有时需要Luck。记得看过一个帖子,说他师姐一篇文章投到1点几的杂志rejected修改过后改投3点几的反而accepted我的那篇JCP说实在的就有很大的运气成分,要不是第一个审稿人那几个有建设性的建议,根据他的建议大修了一下文章,估计不好在那上面发表。遇到一位大牛审稿又不被拒时真的很Lucky。虽说现在的文章灌水的很大,但自己辛辛苦苦写出来的文章accepted,从来就是一件令人高兴的事。

功到自然成!啰哩啰唆了这么多,希望对广大虫友们有一点点的帮助。Good luck 附录:这5个杂志的2008年的影响因子: Chem Phys: 1.961; J Mol Spectrosc: 1.636;

J Mol Struc (THEOCHEM): 1.167; J Chem Phys: 3.149; Int J Mass Spectrom: 2.445.

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