简单幼儿启蒙英语儿歌:Dear Mummy 亲爱的妈妈

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简单幼儿启蒙英语儿歌:Dear Mummy 亲爱的妈妈

Dear Mummy,

Oh, why did you send me here, Mummy? It was so much better at home, Mummy You have to do lessons all day, Mummy And you hardly get any TV

Oh, and the other kids hate me, Mummy

And the teachers don't want me to talk, Mummy I've got hours and hours of homework, Mummy That I really don't want to do Oh, and the food is so awful, Mummy I have to eat all of my vegetables, Mummy And I only get yucky deserts, Mummy And the tuck shop has got a long queue Oh, and it's lights out at eight, Mummy And I can't have evening hot chocolate, Mummy I wrote till my finger had a lump on it, Mummy And my pillow's got a lump in it too

Oh, and the cross country's terrible, Mummy I'm not even allowed to walk it, Mummy

I have to go out when It's rainy, Mummy And get freezing cold and wet through So why can't I come back home, Mummy? The teachers want me to go too, Mummy And I'd be a really good girl, Mummy At least, for a day or two 亲爱的妈妈,

哦,为什么你送我到这里,妈妈? 比在家里好得多,妈妈 你必须整天上课,妈妈 而且你很少看到电视

哦,还有其他的孩子恨我,妈妈 而且老师不想让我讲话,妈妈 我已经做了好几个小时的作业,妈妈 那些作业我真的不想去做

哦,还有食物是如此的可怕,妈妈 我必须吃掉所有的蔬菜,妈妈 而且我只得到令人讨厌的甜食,妈妈 糖果食品店已经排起了长队 哦,八点就熄灯了,妈妈


还有我的枕头里面结成了小块儿,妈妈 哦,乡下的十字路口很可怕,妈妈 我甚至不被允许走过十字路口,妈妈 当下雨的时候,我必须出去,妈妈 浑身冻得冰凉和湿的

所以为什么我不能回家,妈妈? 老师也想让我走,妈妈

而且我已经成为了一个真正好的女孩,妈妈 至少,一两天
