阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn “事业有成”英语怎么说 平时多注重近义词组的累计,口语对话和写作语言就会更加丰富多彩。今天我们来讲一下英文怎么表达“事业有成”这个意思。 事业有成,英语表达方式一:be successful/be a success: to earn a lot of money or to become well known and respected, because you do your job very well 例:Five years ago he started his own business and now he's very successful.(五年前他自己创业,现在已经事业有成了。) In order to be successful as a dancer, you need flair and stamina.(想成为一名成功的舞者,除了天赋还需要耐力。) People who are successful in their careers have found out what they like.(事业有成的人都知道自己的兴趣所在。) He's leaving the company, despite having been a big success as marketing manager.(尽管在公司已经是一名出色的市场部经理,他仍然选择离开。) 事业有成,英语表达方式一succeed: to become successful in your job by doing it well and continuing to work at it for a fairly long time 例:a strong desire to succeed(强烈地渴望成功) succeed as a teacher/actor/musician etc. If you don't change your attitude, you will never succeed as a manager in this firm.(你不改变态度,永远当不上公司经理。) succeed at My parents always told me I'd succeed at anything I chose to do.(爸妈常鼓励我说,阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn 无论我要做什么,都会成功的。) 事业有成,英语表达方式三:do well: to be successful in your job, especially because you work hard 例:Lily seemed so anxious to do well, and she worked really hard.(莉莉特想事业有成,她工作也真的很努力。) When the players do well, I praise them - but there are no rewards for coming second.(队员得第一的时候,可以得到我的表扬;如果只拿第二名,就什么褒奖也没有。) All his friends expected him to do well at Harvard.(他的朋友们都希望他在哈佛能出人头地。) My friend left college and went into law, and he's doing very well.(我朋友那时候退学进入法律界,现在也事业有成了。) 事业有成,英语表达方式四:make your mark: to be successful in your job so that people notice you and respect your ability, especially because of a particular piece of work you have done有所建树 例:In his early twenties, Terry was the typical ambitious graduate, full of ideas and eager to make his mark.(泰瑞20岁刚出头的时候,真是一个典型的大学毕业生,有雄心、有想法、工作上渴望有所建树。) 事业有成,英语表达方式五:make it: to become successful, especially in the sports or entertainment business 备注:该词多用在口语中。 例:He was a talented football player and I knew he'd make it.(他是个很有天赋的足阿卡索外教网,英语口语培训,外教一对一 http://www.acadsoc.com.cn 球运动员,我知道他会成功的。) We've fought long and hard to get where we are, and we deserve to make it.(我们努力奋斗了多久才走到今天,成功是理所应当的。) make it big (=become very successful) Many actors move to America, hoping to make it big in Hollywood.(很多演员都怀抱着能在好莱坞大红大紫的梦想而来到美国。) make it on your own (=without any help from anyone) Get as much advice from colleagues as you can - it can be difficult trying to make it on your own.(尽量多听听同事们的意见,单枪匹马很难成事。) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7bcea3a30242a8956aece43b.html