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1 Purpose

Series No.: **-****** Version:A/0 Page:1/2

Regulation on Verification of Job Set-ups

1.1为确保生产的顺利进行,明确作业前准备工作的内容与职责,特编制此规定。Define the responsibility of job set-ups verification for smooth product process. 2 适用范围Scope

2.1 适用于沈阳名华内部注塑、预处理/喷涂及装配等主要工序生产前的准备验证管理。Verification of job set-ups on major processes such as injection, power wash,/painting and assembling in SYMH. 3 职责Responsibility

3.1 制造部负责该文件的更新与下发;Product Department: responsible for the document update and issue. 3.2 制造部、物流部为该管理规定的执行部门。Product Dept. & Logistics Dept.: responsible for performing accord with this regulation. 4 定义Definition:无Nil 5 工作内容Content


类别 Sort

注塑 Injection

①工作着装是否符合要求:工作服、工uniform & shoes, etc..

人员 Human

②人员是否已经到位,是否满足生产要求Have qualified operators been in position? plan

Verification of job set-ups

预处理/喷涂 Power wash/ Painting


装配 Assembling


作鞋等Suitable clothing or not: work Suitable 作服等Suitable clothing or not: work

clothing or not: clean garment(in uniform & shoes, etc.. painting room), work uniform, etc.. ②人员是否已到位,是否满足生产in position? production plan

①设备点检是否正常Is equipment spot ①检查预处理岗位所用的仪器是inspection ok?

②设备参数显示是否在工艺文件控制范围内(烘料温度与时间、热流道温度、料筒温度等)Are parameters in normal range ( drying temp. & time, hot runner

设备 Machine

and feed cylinder temp.)? right? fixed correctly?

manipulator fixed correctly?

measuring devices available for use?

equipments available for use?

①设备点检是否正常Is equipment ②操作台是否可正常使用Is operate

否能够正常使用Are power wash spot inspection ok? ②确认油漆线链条线运行情况Is table available for use?

chain of painting line available for ③焊枪、胶枪、拉铆枪等工具是否可use?

③检查和调整机械手喷涂工艺满robot parameters to fulfill the ④检查和调整烘房工艺符合标准oven





正常使用Are aids such as welding torch, glue gun, riveter and so on ②人员是否已经到位,是否满足生产要求Have qualified operators been in Check

③核对当日生产计划Check production 要求Have qualified operators been position?

Check production plan

③顺Is runner order 足产品需求Check and adjust the available for use? ④模具是否安装正确到位Are moulds requirements.

Is Check and adjust the parameters of ⑥监视测量设备是否可正常使用Are requirements.



Series No.: **-****** Version:A/0 Page:2/2


assembling parts( semi-products and auxiliary parts)

Regulation on Verification of Job Set-ups


①核对并记录生产所用原料情况 (牌号、性状、数量、批次等) appearance, quantity, lot no., etc.

物料 Material

Check production material such as Check the ②若有擦洗工序,检查相应清洗辅



Check and record usage of material: brand, parts, relative racket and paint etc..

②检查、处置(隔离与标识)剩余物料:Have cleaning ②辅助用品是否已齐备

Check and materials

washing (螺丝刀、刀片、标贴等)Are aids

available on site?(screwdriver, blades,

disposal( isolation & identification) the process is required? misapplication


fixed correctly?


rest material to avoid confusion and ③滑撬是否安装正确到位Are skids labels and so on)

(周转车、刀片、标贴、胶带等)Are aids 足生产需求Check and confirm aids available on site?( internal vehicles, of post-treatment available for use. blades, labels, tapes and so on) ①核对工艺文件

process file(process card, CP, WI, etc.)

工艺 Process


record and sheet(are former record & blank sheet available?)

③首件确认:存放、测量与记录FAA: sampling, measure and record

环境 Environment

Is ①工位5S情况5S everything laid out by area/marks? ②工位5S情况5S

①现场是否按区域标识进行摆放Is everything laid out by area/marks? ②工位5S情况5S

①核对工艺文件是否在现场 process file(CP, WI, etc.)

Check WI, ②检查、核对工作记录 sheets available?

(工艺卡、控制计划、操作指导等)Check (控制计划、操作指导等)Check etc..

Check (记录是否齐全)Are records and

(记录是否齐全及上一班次记录情况)Check record and sheet.

6. 相关文件Reference

6.1 首件确认流程 FAA process 7 相关记录Sheet

7.1 作业前准备检查表 Check list for job set-ups 7.2 设备点检表 Equipment spot inspection sheet 7.3 首末件检验记录单 First and last parts check sheet 7.4 预处理参数记录单 Power washing parameter record 7.5 油漆线开机记录表 Paint line job set-ups record

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