2013年12月 14日大学英语四级考试阅读第一套标准答案(镐京版) (5)

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第一篇:关于退休的问题 首句:

A recent global surey of 2000 high-net-worth individuals found that 60% were not planning on a traditional retirement. 原题:

56. what do we learn about the so called“nevertirees”? A They are passionate about making a fortune B They have no choice but to continue working

C They love what they do and choose not to retire. D They will not retire unless they are compelled to 57 what do Irving Kahn and Ruth have in common? A Neither of them is subject to forced retirement B Neither of them desires reward for their work C Both cling to their positions despite opposition D Both are capable of coping with heavy workloads 58 what is the finding of Howard’s research?

A. The harder you work, the bigger your fortune will be B The earlier you retire, the healthier you will be. C Elderly people have to slow down to live longer

D Working at an advanced age lengthens people's life.

59. what is the traditional view of retirement according to the passage? A It means a burden to the younger generation B It is a symbol of a mature and civilized society

C It is a compensation for one’s life-long hard work D It helps increase a nation’s economic productivity 60 what do critics say about “nevertirees”?

A They are an obstacle to a company’s development B They lack the creativity of the younger generation C They cannot work efficiently as they used to

D They prevent young people from getting ahead. 答案:

56. They love what they do and choose not to retire. 57. Neither of them is subject to forced retirement.

58. Working at an advanced age lengthens people's life. 59. It is a compensation for one's life-long hard work. 60. They prevent young people from getting ahead.

第二篇:关于学生贷款债务问题(student loan debt

首句:when we talk about Americans barely into adulthood who are saddled with unberable levels of debt, the conversation is always about student loan debt. 原题:

61 what is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A many young Americans will never be able to pay off their debts B credit cards play an increasingly important role in college life C credit cards are doing more harm than student loan D The American card system is under criticism

62 why do young people have to pay a higher interest on their credit card debt? A They tend to forget about the deadlines B They have not developed a credit history C They are often unable to pay back in time D They are inexperienced in managing money

63 what is said to be the consequence of the young adults relying on credit cards to make ends meet?

A It will place an unnecessary burden on society B It will give them no motivation to work hard C It will exert psychological pressure on them D It will affect their future spending power

64 what will happen to young adults if their credit card debt keeps accumulating according to Lucia?

A They will have to pay an increasingly higher interest rate
