四季随笔中英对照 春天Spring 春天是一个令人振奋的季节。当寒冷的冬天过去时,一切变得焕然一新,生机勃勃。天气渐渐转暖,草木开始发芽,鸟儿开始筑巢。在春天里,我们可以去公园散步,欣赏鲜花盛开的美景,享受阳光和微风。 Spring is an invigorating season. When the cold winter is over, everything becomes fresh and vibrant. The weather gets warmer and the plants begin to bud, and birds start to build their nests. In spring, we can take a walk in the park, admire the blooming flowers, and enjoy the sunshine and the breeze. 夏天Summer 夏天是一个充满活力的季节。天气变得更加炎热,但也给我们带来了许多的乐趣和快乐。在夏天里,我们可以去海滩游泳、沙滩排球,也可以去露营、野餐和享受烧烤。夏天还有很多美食,如冰淇淋、西瓜、鲜果和冷饮等。夏天快乐! Summer is an energetic season. The weather gets hotter and more humid, but it also brings us a lot of fun and happiness. In summer, we can go swimming and play beach volleyball at the beach, or go camping, have a picnic and enjoy barbecues. There are also many summer treats, such as ice cream, watermelon, fresh fruits and cold drinks. Have a fun summer! 秋天Autumn 秋天是一个诗意的季节。在这个季节里,我们可以看到大自然随着时光的流逝而慢慢地变化。叶子由绿色逐渐变成黄色、橙色和红色,陆地上和水面上的景色都变得更加绚烂多彩。在秋天里,我们可以去采摘水果、观赏落叶和树木变色的美景。也可以尝尝各种各样的的糕点和经典的秋季美食。 Autumn is a poetic season. In this season, we can see nature slowly changing with the passage of time. The leaves gradually change from green to yellow, orange, and red, and the scenery on land and water becomes more vibrant and colorful. In autumn, we can go fruit picking, admire the fall foliage and the changing colors of the trees. We can also taste a variety of pastries and classic autumn dishes. 冬天Winter 冬天是一个寒冷而美丽的季节。虽然天气非常寒冷,但也带来了很多美好的事物和活动。除了享受冬季运动,如滑雪、滑冰和打雪仗等,我们也可以在家中度过一个温馨的寒假。在冬季里,我们也可以尝试各种美味的冬季食品,如热巧克力、热饮和火锅等。冬天虽然寒冷,但也充满了温暖的美好。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b6cf338ac2c708a1284ac850ad02de80d5d80657.html