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Inland Higher Education Project in China

Certificate of Japanese Language Proficiency

This form should be completed and signed by a qualified Japanese language teacher.

申請者氏名 Name of Applicant: 所属機関 Home Institution:

1. 日本語能力 Japanese Language Proficiency

Excellent Good Fair 不可Poor

聴くこと Listening [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 話すこと Speaking [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 読むこと Reading [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 書くこと Writing [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 漢字能力 Reading and Writing of Kanji

意味がわかる漢字数 Number of recognizable Kanji: 読める漢字数 Number of readable Kanji: 書ける漢字数 Number of writable Kanji: 語彙数 Number of Vocabulary:

2. 日本語学習期間 Duration of Japanese Language Study

ヶ月間( 月~ 月) 週当たり時間数 時間/週 months (month /year to month /year ) hours/week

学習総時間数 時間

Total hours of study: hours

3. 教授法 Teaching Method:

4. 授業内容 Curriculum:

5. 教科書 Textbook(s):

6. 所見 General Comments:

指導教員氏名・所属・職名 Name, Affiliation, and Position of Japanese Language Teacher

氏名 Name: 所属 Affiliation: 職名 Position: Signature: Date:
