“葛优躺”“碧瑶坐”各种清奇坐姿英文大盘点! 最近“葛优躺”(Ge You-esque lying ),“碧瑶坐”(Biyao Sitting )纷纷刷屏。说到坐姿( Sitting Position ),各种各样 的坐姿英文表达方式大家都知道吗? When Sitting Idle Outside 在外没事闲坐着篇 Exposing the Crotch 双腿分开,露胯(大爷式的) When we talk about sexual interest, expressive man have the 'crotch display' - sitting with the legs wide apart to signal virility. These men usually signal that they feel dominant, strong and even a little smug. 当我们表露性♂趣的时候,有表现欲的男人会在坐的 时候两腿叉开来显露男子气概,也就是“ crotch display 得人都懂得)。这类男人通常在发出一种觉得自个儿很大男 子、很强势还有那么点自鸣得意的信号。 The Duchess Slant 公爵夫人斜腿 These were an opportunity for Kate, 34, to show off her signature seated pose with legs slanted, ankles and knees together and hands cradled in her lap, which she has been perfecting since stepping into the public eye.It's been labelled 'The Duchess Slant' by etiquette expert Myka Meier who told People magazine that Kate's go-to pose is crucial for not showing off too ”(懂 much during public appearances. 这些照片让 34 岁的凯特 王妃有机会展示她的标志坐姿:双腿倾斜,两脚踝和两膝盖 均合拢在一起,双手交叉置于腿上。自进入公众视野以来, 凯特的坐姿越来越趋于完美。 礼仪专家梅卡·梅耶将这种坐姿称为“公爵夫人斜腿”,他对《人 物》杂志说,凯特这种专业坐姿至关重要,可以避免在公众 面前走光。Leg Stretch 交叉腿 A very sexual display with the legs females utilize extremely effectively is the leg stretch. Sitting with one leg crossed over the other stretches the muscles and reveal smooth sexy legs.Women can easily use this flirting gesture to draw attention! 这可是种颇具调情意味的坐姿了——女性可以此来充分利 用自己的美腿。两腿上下交叠的坐姿可以伸张肌肉,显露光 滑性感的美腿。 女同胞啊!!这可是相当好的调情坐姿啊! 瞩目率 200% 啊!!! 4-Figure 翘二郎腿 The 4 figure sitting position involves resting one foot over the thigh of the other, and it's usually much more comfortable for men than the tight leg cross. 传说中的翘二郎腿——一条腿横在另一条腿之上呗,通常对于男人来说比叠腿舒服。 ps :听说翘二郎腿的男人,其实在 用这种坐姿传达一种我很自信 (confident 、self assured )还 有点自大( cocky )的意味。 Locking ankles 内交叉坐姿 Entwining the ankles is usually a signal of self restraint; It can hide emotions of anger, frustration, fear or other negative emotion. 内交叉缠绕的这 种坐姿通常是克己、自我约束的信号。也藏起了诸如愤怒、 沮丧、恐惧以及其他一些负面的情绪。 Feeling at Home 在家没事随便坐篇 W-sitting W 型坐姿 You will know your child is sitting this way when you see their bottom on the floor and their knees bent with their feet on the outside of their hips. 见吧——屁股着地、屈膝、脚向外。 一般在小孩间比较常 Kneeling 屈膝坐 The difference between kneeling and w-sitting is that when kneeling, someone will be sitting with their bottom on their feet, not on the floor. (这个容易和 W 坐姿搞混)屈膝坐和 W 坐姿的区别就是屈膝是屁股坐在脚上, W 坐姿那是坐在了地上。 Tailor Sitting 盘腿坐 Popularly known as ‘ criss cross applesauce ’ and one of the more favored ways of sitting. 相当大众闻名的双腿交叉盘腿坐,也是人气很高?的坐姿。 这个坐姿的起源其实叫‘ Indian Sitting ’ (。印挺度适坐合)大 家在地板上围成一圈做游戏啦或者打牌的时候。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/b9c494b8777f5acfa1c7aa00b52acfc788eb9f98.html