
时间:2022-04-04 19:09:41 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


You know what? It turns out that there are all white deserts, all salt and alkali, everything is salty, and it's a barren land. But this harsh natural environment did not fail the people of UAE. They bought mud, fresh water and saplings from abroad, filled them with mud water, and buried

underground water pipes. Although there is a water pipe under the flowers and trees, the people of UAE still use water to water these flowers and trees, so as to make them more beautiful. You see, there are trees and flowers all over the street, but no one is climbing branches and picking flowers. No one is trampling on the lawn and doing these acts of not caring for the environment, because they know that these flowers, plants and trees are bought by the country at a high price.
