部落的英语单词 部落一般指原始社会民众由若干血缘相近的宗族、氏族结合而成的集体。形成于原始社会晚期即旧石器时代的中期和晚期。有较明确的地域、名称、方言、宗教信仰和习俗,有以氏族酋长和军事首领组成的部落议事会,部分部落还设最高首领。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 部落英语单词1: tribe 部落英语单词2: clan 部落英语单词3: campong 部落的英语例句: 有个叫长老会的组织治理这个部落。 A council of elders governs the tribe. 那个印第安人是临近部落的成员。 That Indian man is a member of the neighbouring tribe. 我们的部落正受诅咒。 Our tribe is under a curse. 我在故事里听说过食人部落。 I have heard the cannibal tribe in stories. 一个部落对另一个部落玩起了诡计。 One tribe played tricks on the other one. 一个部落征服另一个部落。 One tribe conquered another one. 部落和部落文化在几个世纪前就消灭了。 Tribes and tribal customs died out centuries ago. 这个部落被邻近部落举行的炫财冬宴所压倒。 This clan was potlatched by a neighbouring clan. 奇努克部落通常通过与当地部落的贸易获得独木舟。 Chinook tribes commonly traded with local tribes to obtain canoes. 那个国家被部落间的激烈冲突弄得四分五裂。 The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities. 原始部落靠渔猎采集为生。 Primitive tribes lived by fishing, hunting and gathering. 一些部落为寻找嫩草带着他们的牲口迁徙。 Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass. 你应该回到部落给予他人帮助,因为他们在你需要帮助的时候也曾伸出援助之手。 You need to give back to the tribe and offer other tribe members yoursupport, just as they support you. 他说:“这些部落熟悉这些区域和地点的具体细节,他们还把激进分子的房屋做了标记。 These tribes, since they know these areas and locations in detail, they have also earmarked the houses of the militants. 有一些非洲部落把它做为一种得到他们所爱的人的灵魂或一部分,并且与灵魂或这部分共生的方法。 Some African tribes did it as a means of taking the spirit, or part of theirloved one, and incorporating it into their own being. 正如一位阿拉伯社会学家所说的,在一个部落社会中,你不是在收买忠诚,只是在租赁。 As an Arab sociologist puts it, in a tribal society you do not buy loyalty, you only rent it. 你的部落成员是那些因为是你而接受你的人,他们想要的是一个最真实最完美的你。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/bb5bf542551252d380eb6294dd88d0d233d43c8b.html