第二届英语节教师发言稿 Good morning, everyone! The 2nd English art festival which we have been looked forward to stars today. Firstly, wish our festival a great success! 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们: 大家早上好!我们期待已久的第二届英语节今天终于开幕了。首先预祝英语节圆满成功! Since last month, we have carried on a lot of English competitions in every class and the Grade 7&8 students have taken part in the English corner organized by our foreign teachers. All that has created a good atmosphere for you to learn English and you have become more interested in learning English. 在为期一个月的英语艺术节筹备中,我们已经开展了各项英语竞赛活动的班级初赛和复赛.同时,七八年级的同学参加了由外教组织的丰富多彩的英语角活动.为同学们创设了浓厚的英语学习氛围,激发了同学们学习英语的兴趣. In the coming week, I hope that everyone can show your English talent and grasp every opportunity to practice your English. All the English teachers will do our best to help you! 在接下来的时间里,希望每一位同学积极参与,展示自己的英语才能,实践英语,提高英语综合能力. We hope that everyone can participate in this festival and have fun in learning English. Also benefit from it. Be brave to listen to English, speak English, read English and act out English. You’ll pick up your confidence in using English and enjoying English. This is what we wish you to do. 本届英语节力求做到人人参与,人人快乐,人人受益。大胆听英语, 大胆说英语, 大胆读英语, 大胆写英语, 大胆演英语,让大家在活动中找到自信,感受英语,使用英语、享受英语,这是我们老师的心愿. 本届英语节的主题是:“亲近英语,拥抱世界”,现在请大家大声跟我说 “kiss English kiss the world!”! 最后,祝愿每一年的英语艺术节都能成为我们心中永恒的记忆. 祝愿我们的学校蒸蒸日上! 祝愿各位嘉宾身体健康,工作顺利! 祝愿宝庆小学的教育事业再创佳绩! 祝愿我们的明天更美好! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/bbde7fea974bcf84b9d528ea81c758f5f71f29d7.html