培根论爱情 中英对译 节选

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培根论爱情 节选 中英对译

Bacons view on love

Over pursuit of love will certainly make ones value lower. You can see that none of the great people who have managed to leave their names in others memory forever have ever become frenzy for only love because great causes have prevented this fragile sentiment.

Love intrudes most easily when one is weak, when one is dizzy with success or is in a dilemma or is alone. At that time one is the most anxious to jump into the flames of love. There love is indeed the son of foolishness. However, some people still can restrain love even if they feel it in the heart so that it will not obstruct important things because love will prevent one from moving towards his aim firmly once it interferes emotions.


过于追求爱情必然会降低人的价值。君不见。名垂青史者,谁会痴迷于爱情?只因伟大的事业抑制了这脆弱的感情。 人意志不坚,忘乎所以,进退维谷,抑或孤独凄苦之时,正是爱情最易入侵之际,迫不及待跳入爱情的火焰。此刻,爱情的确是愚昧之子。然而,有人虽心存爱意,但你呢个克制,不妨碍大事,爱情干扰情绪,就会阻碍人迈向既定目标的坚定步伐。
