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> IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ABC (2010 for review)<



Active Illumination for Robot Vision

S.Y. Chen, Senior Member, IEEE, Jianwei Zhang, Member, IEEE, and Y.F. Li, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractA vision sensor is the robot’s eye to perceive its yields. Unlike the early days of machine vision when many of environment, but the perception performance can be the entrepreneurial researchers in pioneering machine vision significantly affected by illumination conditions. This paper companies suggested, We just need an image, our image presents strategies of adaptive illumination control for robot processing and analysis algorithms will work for your 论文的英文表达时,如果没把握就尽量使vision to achieve the best scene interpretation. It investigates application, today people acknowledge the importance of 用简单句型,必须保证每个句子语法正how to obtain the most comfortable illumination conditions for lighting and scene consistency. 确。写完一个句子时都回头看一下,分析a vision sensor. In a "comfort" condition the image reflects the The light source for a natural scene is its illumination. For 主语和谓语是不是都唯一存在!

natural properties of the concerned object. "Discomfort" may many machine-vision applications, lighting now is the most occur if some scene information is lost. Strategies are proposed challenging part of system design, and becomes a major factor to optimize the pose and optical parameters of the luminaire when it comes to implementing color inspection. The

时态: and the sensor, with emphasis on controlling the intensity and

uniformity and the stability of the incoming lighting are usually 1 摘要和正文用一般现在时(表示对一般理论的陈述) avoiding glare.

the common causes of unsatisfactory and unreliable 2 实验(只是其中过程的描述)和结论用过去时,表示作performance 者做了什么 of machine-vision systems. As with any light, I. INTRODUCTION

and color, which 人称:illumination has the properties of intensity ACHINE intelligence increases rapidly when the significantly affect the performance of robot vision perception 尽量用第3人称(this paper),少用第1人称(We, I),technology of computer vision is applied because as well as human perception. 使论文描述更显客观性本来用We的地方可以改成被动式。 through vision sensors knowledge of the environment can be The selection of light sources and vision sensors

acquired. Traditional methods for machine vision to better constitutes the first problem in vision design. There are many interpret scenes are usually focused on post- image different kinds of sources, including incandescent filament processing (e.g. smoothing, filtering, masking, zooming, lamps of many kinds, short arc lamps, gaseous and solid-state contrast stretching, pseudocoloring, etc.). However, post- lasers, fluorescent lamps, high-intensity gaseous discharge


image processing does NOT increase the inherent information lamps, electroluminescent lamps, light emitting diodes, carbon

体一律用“Times New Roman”字体;

content, but an originally better image contains more arc lamps, etc. Most CCDs have good red (long wavelength)


information of object surfaces. This facilitates further vision response, but blue response can be a problem because of analysis and saves time-consuming enhancement processing, absorption in the polysilicon layer that covers the sensitive which is very important in a machine vision system, especially area. Using back-illuminated sensors may help to avoid this


for real-time applications. problem. Furthermore, a lot of camera series are ready for 特别是如“ 和“”等全角符号

“As in real estate where the key to successful investments is industrial use. It is important to select proper parameters, such


location, location, location, in machine vision the key to value as focal length, imager size, resolution, angle of view, etc.

出现中文全角的空格“ ”!)

(equal to success) is lighting! lighting! lighting!”, said Nello Then optical settings and geometrical placements of the (最常见问题之一!)

Zuech, the President of Vision Systems International. The light source and the vision sensor become another problem. To

principal reason for success in machine vision is the solve this, we must firstly analyze what "a perfect image for elimination of appearance variables and the consistent machine vision" is. A good image means that it contains appearance that appropriate, application-specific 标点符号前面跟文本没有空格,lighting maximum information about the scene so 后面空一格that the robot can

(最常见问题之一!) easily understand it. The evaluation criteria of illumination conditions should be given and then the degree of "comfort" Manuscript received September 15, 2006. This work was supported


with projects by NSFC [60405009], ZJNSF [Y104185, Y106065], and to the machine eye may be analyzed.

和“:”,应避免。 the Scientific Research Fund of Zhejiang Provincial Education


Department [20051450].

S. Y. Chen is with the College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, 310014 Hangzhou, China, currently as a guest researcher at the Dept of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Germany and supported with a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. (e-mail: sy@ieee.org).

Jianwei Zhang is with the Dept of Informatics, University of Hamburg, Germany (e-mail: {zhang, hzhang}@informatik.uni-hamburg.de).

Y. F. Li is with the Dept of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of HK. (e-mail: meyfli@cityu.edu.hk).


Currently CCD cameras are still the most commonly used machine eyes because of their many advantages, although CMOS cameras are also widely used nowadays. Apart from the apparent structure and working mechanism, a machine eye works very similarly to a human eye with some comparable characteristics like resolution, bandwidth, luminosity, the

> IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ABC (2010 for review)<

ability to distinguish, adaptivity, and color vision.

Consider that the vision sensor is sensitive only to a portion of the electro-magnetic wave, i.e. 380<<750 (nm). Due to the quantum efficiency of the vision sensor, the quantity of light as seen by the camera, i.e., is




This paper presented an idea of active illumination control for the robot eye. Strategies are proposed to achieve optimal illumination conditions for vision sensors so that best quality images can be obtained with high SNR, contrast, color rending, and linearity. The controllable parameters include optical parameters and pose parameters of luminaire and sensor. The characteristics of a robot eye and its "comfort" conditions have been analyzed. The image intensity is theoretically controlled at a good setpoint. Glare avoidance methods are proposed for treating two types of glare, disability glare and discomfort glare. The disability glare can be eliminated by placements of light source, vision sensor, or targets. The discomfort glare is evaluated using the CIE-UGR criterion and can be diminished by control of source position, radiant flux, or background luminance. Further work is under way for implementation of the technology in practical applications.


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where We is the efficient light energy.

Fig. 1 Temperature vs coefficient C(T)

Using numerical computation to solve (13), an example curve is illustrated in Fig. 1. Finally the luminous flux function (12) 用内嵌图,不要插入文本框 can be obtained.

Considering a point on the object surface, its irradiance is the integral of the whole angular distribution over a specified solid angle. The object surface then becomes another source and the image irradiance of the vision sensor can also be computed. Since real objects are usually not Lambertians, three parts contribute to the surface reflection, that is Id (diffuse reflection), Is1 (gross specular reflection), and Is2 (specular reflection). Then the image irradiance of an object illuminated by a source is represented by a function as in [5]. B. Intensity Control

A camera usually has the requirement of minimum illumination which is typically 2 [lux] with high-gain operation. Theoretically, a camera’s sensitivity could be increased as much as desired simply by increasing the amplifier gain and operating the CCDs at a lower output level. Of course, the SNR will degrade when this is done. That is what happens in a camera’s "high gain" modes, which trade signal quality for sensitivity. On the other hand, the full-quality mode of a camera operates the CCDs at the light level given in the sensitivity specification. This may be somewhat of a trade-off with highlight performance.
