
时间:2022-04-06 01:30:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
The Great Wall

In my dream, the Great Wall is a flying dragon,

floating over lush mountains. My ancestors fight their long journey towards a peaceful and harmonious land.

From the moon, the Great Wall is a marvelous totem, shining with durative sheen.

My contemporaries carry it with esteem, enhance its solid foundation.

Upon my heart, the Great Wall is an eternal home,

crossing over the Pacific Ocean. My offspring will follow its beckoning towards a root-searching return.

(Selected in an anthology "the Bright Future" in 2005)


在我的梦里,长城 是一条飞翔的巨龙, 盘旋在崇山峻岭之中。 我的祖先一路搏击, 守卫平和安宁的土地。

从月球上,长城 是一个奇迹的象征, 闪着永恒的光彩。 我的同伴带着自信, 谱写它坚实的根基。

在我的心里,长城 是永远的家园, 穿越太平洋的两岸。 我的子孙们将沿着 它的召唤, 走向寻根的归程。
