翻译:雨前 (何其芳)

时间:2022-12-24 21:09:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
翻译:雨前 (何其芳)

Preludes to Rainfall translate: alexcwlin/edit: adam.L


The last flight of pigeons circled around once in the gentle wind with a faint swishing sound and then disappeared.


Perhaps they mistook the gray gloomy sky as nightfall or they sensed the coming of a storm. As such, they flew back to their warm cozy wooden-coops prematurely.



A few days of sunshine sprinkled willow twigs with lime-green shoots which, at present, looked rather lifeless for being smudged with dust. A wash would be in order. 还有干裂的大地和树根也早已期待着雨。雨却迟疑着。

Also the drought-cracked earth and tree-roots were thirsty for rain, but rain was slow to come.



I thought about the sounds of thunder and rain in my hometown. The roar of those lightning-bolts echoing from valley to valley seemingly jolted the new growth of spring from its sleep and burst out of the frozen ground.


It was nurtured by light drizzle’s soft-as-new-grass hands and spurt into an outgrowth of greenish branches/leaves and red flowers.


These fond memories resembled nostalgia about home and triggered lingering melancholy.


My state of mind was just like the rain-deprived land of the north, with a tender teardrop welled in my arid eyes much like raindrops in the gloomy sky that hesitated to fall.



The snow-white ducks seemingly were getting restless, and their exasperated quacks could be heard coming from the pollution-tinged stream of the city. 有的还未厌倦那船一样的徐徐的划行。

Some of them had not been tired out and paddled leisurely along like boats.

有的却倒插它们的长颈在水里,红色的蹼趾伸在尾后,不停地扑击着水以支持身体的平衡。 Some others plunged with their long necks first into the water; their red webbed feet were reaching out

behind their tails while their wings were splashing nonstop to maintain balance. 不知是在寻找沟底的细微食物,还是贪那深深的水里的寒冷。

I wouldn’t know whether they were looking for tidbits of food at the bottom of the stream or enjoying the chilling cold deep down in the water.



Several of them had come onshore and strolled around under the willow trees in gentleman-like gait to stretch a little from weariness.


Then they scattered around on their feet and preened carefully at their white feathers all over their bodies. At times they shook their bodies or flapped their wings to shed water-drops trapped between their feathers. 一个已修饰完毕的,弯曲它的颈到背上,长长的红嘴藏没在翅膀里,静静合上它白色的茸毛间的小黑眼,仿佛准备睡眠。可怜的小动物,你就是这样做你的梦吗?

One which had finished grooming curled its neck to the back, buried it long beak inside the wings, closed its little eyes behind down feather, and looked like it was ready to go to sleep. Poor little creature! Would that be your way of going into dreams?



And then I recalled the duckling-breeders in my hometown. I could still remember a raft of ducklings swimming in the brooks where the water was shallow, both sides of the shores were green with grass, and a duck-herder was holding a long bamboo pole in hand.


The army of little ducklings were gleefully cheeping away and obediently followed the herder’s pole passing through a field and a hillside. When night fell, their home was a makeshift bamboo tent-like shelter.


But how remote would a vision be that in the midst of this dusty country I could hear my coveted sound of raindrops falling on foliage?


Maybe the sound of these raindrops would chill the weariness of my dreaming, and fostered the growth of round-shaped trees which shades could harbour me.



I looked up and the low overcast was much like a curtain of gray fog peppering some nippiness onto my face.

