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1.《伊索寓言》英文读后感 I think where a good book is. For our middle school students, can it give us wisdom and Enlightenment. Therefore, my favorite book is Aesop's fables, which was written by Aesop, who was knowledgeable in ancient Greece, and condensed his wisdom and hard work. Now I really want to say that this book is my good friend, because it has helped me and let me know a lot of truth.

In this book, I like the story of bat, thorn bird and diving bird best. The story is that the three of them had a lucky haircut and made a lot of money, and then invested in the sea transportation business. As a result, they encountered storms and capsized on the way. Three people suffered heavy losses. After a long time, others asked them to do the same business, but they said nothing and saved their life.

After reading this story, I feel that they are very smart, because they suffered a big loss in this matter, they remember this painful lesson, and always remember it, which has become a reference for them not to make the same mistake again. I can't help thinking that I am the same, but I don't have a long memory. After a fall in a certain place, one after another fell in the same place and suffered a lot of dumb losses. Now I have learned that I should remember the lesson and understand how I can never make the same mistake again. I learned this. I feel smart and never make mistakes again. I have maintained such a vigilant heart both in my study and in my life.

Aesop's fables are really interesting. The more you read them later, the more exciting they feel. A story called sick deer deeply taught me. It's about a sick road. Because some fair weather friends came to his house, they finally ate up all the food in his house. Later, the deer starved to death because there was nothing to eat. I was shocked when I read this story, because I have many friends, but many of them are empty bags and don't do their jobs. My mother often told me to break away from them, but I didn't listen. Now this story makes me very worried about myself. Will I have this ending one day. For my own tomorrow, I decided not to associate with those people. I made some good friends with good character. As a result, my grades have becomebetter and my moral character has been upright. This makes me happy and makes me realize that making friends means making some capable people who are harmless to themselves and have good conduct. It's good for me to make friends with less useless people.

After reading Aesop's fables, I think every story is meaningful. The stories of dolphins and monkeys are especially suitable for our life. He told a monkey that he cheated the dolphin who saved him because he fell into the water and said he was a noble friend. But the dolphin knew he was lying and drowned the liar.

I think this story reminds some dishonest people in our life. Told us that people should be honest and not deliberately deceive others, otherwise they will cause trouble. Because what people need is sincerity, not dangerous deception. With an honest bridge, people's relations will be closer, so as to make our harmonious society

more harmonious. After reading this story, I knew that I should never lie to my parents and all my friends. As a result, they all thought I was a good child and praised me when they saw me. This makes me deeply realize that if I want to leave a good image in the eyes of others, I don't rely on flattery, but I should have a shining heart to others, full of sincerity between heart and heart. 2.《伊索寓言》英文读后感

This book is my favorite for three reasons: first, I like the author's self-improvement spirit very much; Second, small stories and great principles are short and thought-provoking; Third, I learned a lot of knowledge from it.

Aesop's fables is named after the author. The whole book consists of 310 short stories. Each short article has one knowledge, and each knowledge condenses into an ocean, with sarcasm, kind advice and more hardship. The author of this book is Aesop, a child who grew up in suffering. In his childhood, he was a mute, but his mother loved him very much and often told him stories; After his mother's death, Aesop followed the old man who had taken care of him, left home to roam around, and learned many stories about birds, insects and animals. They lived happily together for many years. One day Aesop dreamed that the God of luck smiled kindly at him, put his fingers into his mouth and relaxed his tongue. When he woke up, he was surprised to find that he could speak. Therefore, Aesop's Fables was born. In the story of goat and donkey, I learned that harming others will eventually harm myself. The result of calculating others can only be to lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot; In the story of Fox and leopard, I know that wisdom is better than beautiful appearance, and so on. Looking at it, I seem to have become a little writer. No, I also compiled a fable "vanity of pencil": that day, the pencil put on the pen cap and began to be complacent. The master came and pulled out the pen cap. The pencil fell heavily to the ground from a height of 100000 meters and suddenly lost self-confidence. This story tells us that it is terrible to have no self-worth.


During the summer vacation, I read a lot of books. What impressed me was Aesop's fables Aesop's fables is known as the ancestor of fables, and its emergence has laid the cornerstone of fables as a literary theme.

I think Aesop's fables is the crystallization of people's life experience and experience. It is not only profound, but also very charming and approachable. Although it is short and simple in structure, it is vivid and contains profound meaning Aesop's fables are mostly animal fables. It uses anthropomorphic techniques to make them think, move and talk like people, so as to form a living world.

There are many stories in Aesop's fables, among which my favorite is wolf and shepherd. It says that once upon a time, a wolf coveted the sheep at the foot of the mountain. In order to eat the sheep, the wolf came up with a wonderful way. The wolf follows the sheep honestly every day and is the guardian of the sheep. At first, the shepherd was always on guard against Wolves and always on guard against Wolves. However, after a long time, the shepherd found that the wolf not only didn't want to eat the sheep, but also often came forward to help him protect the sheep. Gradually,

the shepherd stopped guarding against the wolf and thought it was a very honest, loyal and trustworthy "shepherd dog". In this way, the wolf gained the shepherd's trust and became his friend. Until once, the shepherd needed to go out because of an emergency. In a hurry, he handed over the sheep to the wolf for protection, and the wolf readily agreed. After the shepherd left, the wolf killed all the sheep and dragged them into the cave to enjoy them slowly. When the shepherd came back, he found that a sheep was missing and surrounded by blood. He knew that he had been deceived. After reading this story, I learned that it is difficult for a fierce and dangerous man to get rid of his bad nature. We must not be blinded by his occasional kindness and docility, because there are often hidden mysteries.
