眼见不一定为实作文【篇一:眼见不一定为实】 眼见不一定为实 俗话说“眼见为实,耳听为虚”,一次工作中的失误让我明白眼 见不一定为实,班主任工作不能只看表面现象,一定要仔细,一定 要深入了解再做决断。因为教育无小事,教师千万不要因为自己的 失误而伤害了学生幼小的心灵。 记得那是周三的一节信息技术课,同学们早已跑到计算机教室上 课去了,教室里本该空无一人,可正当我从教室旁经过的时候,却 隐约看见一个身影在教室里晃动,“咦,教室里怎么会有人?”我 马上警觉起来,因为前段时间班上有几个同学的东西被盗,却一直 没有查出结果,“难道是小偷显身,我倒要看看是谁胆子那么大, 竟敢在光天化日之下偷东西。”我一边想,一边悄悄走到教室后门 口,仔细一看,这个身影原来是他——班上的“调皮蛋”小军,三 年级时他就把同桌的文具盒藏起来,害的这个同学找了好久,他却 在一旁笑破了肚皮。我对他早有怀疑,可一直没有证据,这次正好 逮个正着。只见他在其他同学的坐位前鬼鬼祟祟地转了转,看了看, 然后翻了一个书包,又翻了另一个书包,拿起一部手机就往外跑。 我连忙追上去,厉声喊道:“站住,你往哪儿跑?”“我去上计算机 课!”小军若无其事地回答道。“早就上课啦!你怎么才去?还拿了 别人的手机,你以为老师不知道啊!”“不是这样的,我回来拿书, 松松叫我把他的手机也带过去,他怕手机放在教室里会弄不见,不 信你问他!”小军极力辩解道,“你会有这样的好心?谁相信呢?老 【篇二:seeing is not always believing(眼见不一定为实)】 as the saying goes,” seeing is believing”. it means that what you hear about may be false, what you see is true. it is so natural that people rarely doubt it. but now it seems that many things lead us to further discussion on this matter. every morning, we see that the sun rises from the east and sets down from the west, so people take it for granted that the sun moves around our earth. actually, it’s our earth that moves around the sun. when you watch the close-up magic performance, you may be amazed by what you have seen. when the train disappeared in front of your eyes, when the magician is cut in half by the electric saw,” oh, my god! it’s impossible”. you may blurt out the words. yeah, it is really happened under your very eyes. but you know that the train is still there and the magician is not hurt by the terrible machine. in the process of recognizing an object, there are many factors influencing our judgments. if you know little about physics, you will be confused by the wonderful sight of mirage. only from a scientific point of view can we explain that it is a virtual image in the air because of the light refraction. since our knowledge, ideation and ability are limited, we may misunderstand the essence of objects. a blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it is the boundary of the world. there is an old chinese saying: think twice before you do. i think it is also right that think twice before you judge. no matter how wise the man is, he always has his limitations. therefore, it would be reasonable to change our modes of thinking, such as reverse thinking, transposition thinking. besides, we need to improve our abilities, broaden our horizons and use our wisdom to solve problems. moreover, patience is needed if we want to see through the appearance to perceive the essence. so next time, when you see something strange, could you please extend your hands to touch it or use your head to think over it again and again, because seeing is not always believing. 【篇三:[满分作文]别把眼“见”全当“实”】 “事不目见耳闻,而臆断其有无,可乎?”王安石告诉我们:不可;无数事实证明,当然不可! 但某人却因听见一只爱唱的鸡的旁边捡到一颗蛋,而认为所有的蛋都是这只爱唱的鸡所生,并从此特别偏爱它,喂以精致的饲料,从而冷落了那只也下蛋的“静”鸡。这不就是“臆断其有”的表现吗? 别把眼“见”全当“实”。 别把眼见当全实,这所谓的“眼见”的东西,并不完全代表着事物的真相。须知这事物的真相往往被隐藏在一团迷雾后面,需要你的判断,需要你根据事实的前因后果来仔细核对才能得出。只有用自己的“眼见的客观”加上“主观思维的判断”得出的才是真相,才是“实”。 别把“眼见”全当“实”。 善良的人们,你们可曾因为自己一句武断的话,一个随便的猜想而造成一堆误会,失去一些挚友,甚至将自己从成功的山顶坠入万丈深渊?我想这样的事例比比皆是,只因为太普遍了,大家都不去注意了,惟有等到出问题时才醒悟过来而已。 这是一个严峻的问题。别认为一个武断没什么大不了的,不会造成太大的错误。一句下意识的话或想法,如果碰巧正确,那么恭喜你,今天运气不错;但若你的猜想不幸是谬想,我想你给自己筑起的必定是一堵堵的高墙,既隔断了别人走向你的道路,又阻碍了你往别人走去的前路。这一堵堵高墙若没因发现问题而拆除,你大概认为自己聪明绝顶并从此更加相信自己的直觉,更喜欢凭表面现象做事。长此以往你会赫然发现眼前的路到处都是一堵堵墙,你只能兜远路过去,甚至有些还是死角。面对前路的繁华,那种可望而不可即的滋味不言而喻。这将是何等的可悲,因一时懒惰或因一时意气自掘坟墓;这又将是何等的滑稽,自己推开自己最想亲近的人,自己叫别人不要相信你。 三思吧,人们,不要再像某人一样要等到“一天偶然的经过”才发现“静“鸡的功劳,才发现事情的真相了。那时的如梦初醒早已失去了事情应有的意义。 “事不目见耳闻,而臆断其有无,可乎?”万万不可!无疑是自掘坟墓。 因此,别人的片面只言,自己的匆匆一瞥不能全当实。眼“见”不能全当“实”。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c33278a5cec789eb172ded630b1c59eef8c79a93.html