
时间:2023-03-16 11:08:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



monkey wearing a straw hat - who charge go - those of the person who installed the left - not quite get the a person

learning to walk - hypocritically (orangutan). wearing hat - pose civilized. stealing monkeys

singing - one is reminded of one.

monkey with a beard - which appeared to be out which. stealing monkeys

carrying beams - can not stand.

eating an elephant - a loss to open his mouth Zhang. moon monkeys - Space joy.

King is more significant increase in the number of such entries monkeys outgood in the first.

in a closed SunI do not know official official small. Mountain Temple monkeys changed - the tail exposed. the Sun than the fall - a cry poor. King encounter

monkeys filling ears Wukong - counterfeiting. Gu Bang Monkey King - the majority of magical powers. King to the Huaguoshan - bed of roses. tiger monkey king said

the orangutan ape (a hero heroic sympathy) 猴儿背着手走装人相

耍猴的走了猢猕没甚弄了 猢猕穿衣裳像煞一个人 猴子学走路――假惺惺(猩猩) 猴子戴礼帽――假充文明人。 猴子偷桃――毛手毛脚。 猴子唱戏――想起一出是一出。 猴子带胡子――要哪出没哪出。 猴子偷瓜――连滚带爬。 猴子扛大梁――受不了。 猴子吃大象――亏他张得开嘴。 猴子捞月亮――空欢喜。 孙悟空更使这类词条数目大增: 孙猴子跳出水帘洞――好戏在后头。 孙猴子封了个弼马温――不知官大官小。 孙猴子变山神庙――露了尾巴。 跟孙悟空比跟头――差着十万八千里。 白骨精遇上孙悟空――原形毕露。 六耳猕猴充悟空――冒牌货。 孙悟空的金箍棒――神通广大。 孙悟空到了花果山――称心如意。 中无老虎,猴子称大王 猩惜猩猩(英雄同情英雄)
