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n: 名词 v: 动词 adj: 形容词 adv: 副词 第一周:文化

国画nChinese painting

历史悠久:have/has a long history 战国时期nWarring States Period 题材,主题,话题,学科nsubject

起源于voriginate from; be originated from(被动态用的比较少) 人物nhuman figures 山水,景色nlandscape 书法ncalligraphy 意象nimages

本质上advessentially 艺术adjartistic 古人nancient people 认识nrecognition 哲学nphilosophy 道德nmorality

丝绸之路nthe Silk Road 商业贸易路线ntrade route 中国古代nancient China 古都nancient capital ncontinent

运输n/vtransport(即可做名词也可做动词) 促进,增进vpromote, enhance 友好往来nfriendship 亚洲nAsia 非洲nAfrica 欧州nEurope

有关vbe related to 长城nthe Great Wall 位于nlocate in

春秋时期nthe Spring and Autumn Period 遗产nheritage


区域性经济特区nregional special economic zone 设立,发射vlaunch

建立vestablish(名词形式为establishment 国务院nState Council 批准vapprove

新试点nnew experimental unit

选择:v select

自主,主动advvoluntarily 促进vboost

经济贸易neconomy and trade

改革开放nthe reform and opening-up 重大措施na significant measure 实施vconduct 趋势ntrend

竞争ncompetition 平台nplatform 拓展vexpand

西部大开发nwestern development campaign 运作voperate

经济的adjeconomic 覆盖,包含vcover nprovince

自治区nautonomous region 丰富的adjabundant 潜在的adjpotential

战略地位nstrategic locaton 落后于vlag behind 实施nimplementation

更快,更深,更广adjfaster, deeper, broader 共同富裕ncommon prosperity

历史的adjhistorical (有重要历史意义的:historic)


网上购物nonline shopping 购物方式nshopping mode 日益advincreasingly 搜索vsearch for

发出电子订单vmake electronic orders 卖家nseller

传递,传送vdeliver 货物ncommodity

快递公司nthe express way 白领:white collars

起初,主要地advprimarily 主要的adjmajor 网民nnetizen 十年ndecade



大量的adjnumerous 《舌尖上的中国》A Bite of China 纪录片ndocumentary

(电视连续剧或无线电广播剧的)一集n: episode 饮食ndiet


烹调手法ncooking techniques 富有特色的adjdistinctive 元素nelement 道德nethic 辉煌nglory 反应vreflect

社会变迁nsocial transformation


中秋节nMid-Autumn Festival 农历nlunar festival

农历八月十五:the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar 团聚nreunion 庆祝ncelebration 月饼nmoon cakes 满月nthe full moon 丰裕nabundance

各种各样的adjvarious 粮食作物ncrop 成熟的adjripe

动人的传说ntouching legend 相关vbe associated with

嫦娥奔月nChanges flight to the moon


制作vbe made of njade

形成,出现:come into being 显示:display 帝王:emperor 投毒n/vpoison 新娘nbride 嫁妆ndowry
