
时间:2023-02-09 03:29:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


【期刊名称】《四川烹饪高等专科学校学报》 【年(),期】2014(000)005

【摘 要】文章以信阳市车云山村为例,采用问卷调查法,借助SPSSEXCEL计软件对数据进行处理,通过茶文化旅游者的认知与动机、购买决策、满意度等对信阳市茶文化旅游者消费行为进行了分析与研究。结果表明,出游动机凸显购买茶叶、放松身心,对旅游者出游决策影响最大的是住宿交通等配套设施;体验活动对游客满意度影响较大;消费以购买茶叶和吃饭为主;停留时间较短。%The paper,taking Cheyunshan village as an example ,explores tourist consumption behaviors in tea culture tourism such as their cognition , motivation , purchase decisions and satisfaction by means of question-naires ,which are then analyzes by using SPSS and EXcell.The findings suggest that most tourists are attracted here because of their desire to buy tea and relax themselves , that accommodation and transportation facilities are the most influential factors for tourists ’ decision-making process , that experiential activities are the most important determinant for tourists ’ satisfaction , that priority of their spending is given to tea purchase and dining,and that they usually stay for a relatively short period of time .

【总页数】4(P46-48,56) 【作 者】郭文茹

【作者单位】信阳农林学院,河南信阳 464000 【正文语种】 【中图分类】F592.7 【相关文献】

1.信阳市茶文化旅游者消费行为研究--以车云山村为例 [J], 郭文茹;

2.贵州"农家乐"消费者消费行为研究——以贵州板桥乡村旅游旅游者消费行为为例 [J], 徐宏;宋章海

3.河南节庆旅游者消费行为研究\r——以浚县古庙会为例 [J], 王蓓;金彩玉 4.河南节庆旅游者消费行为研究——以浚县古庙会为例 [J], 王蓓;金彩玉; 5.大数据时代旅游者消费行为特征研究 ——以夜间旅游为例 [J], 陈馨

