翻译中“假朋友”的识别 课堂翻译练习 翻译中“假朋友”的识别 1. 字面意义机械对应产生的“假朋友” 密码—secret code 洗牌—to wash the playing cards 口水—mouth water 方便面—convenient noodles 救火—to save a fire 蝴蝶结—butterfly knot 大片—big movie 牛仔裤—cowboy trousers 早恋—early love 不冻港—non-freezing port 隐形眼镜—invisible glasses 课堂测验—classroom exam 流动资金—circulating funds 新闻自由—freedom of news 买一赠一—Buy one, present one. 2. 字面意义相同,但指称意义有别的“假朋友” 酸奶—sour milk 绿豆—green bean to have a fit—试穿eat one’s words—食言 boot fair—鞋展bootleg—靴筒 have/wear a green bonnet—戴绿帽子yellow book—黄色书籍 翻天覆地—to move heaven and earth 3.指称意义相同,但蕴含意义有别的“假朋友” 农民—peasant 宣传—propaganda 价廉物美—cheap and good 你红光满面—Y our face is very red. 他是个“气管炎”He suffers from tracheitis. 4.词语搭配不当所产生的“假朋友” 试译下列词语: 1) 假花假牙假钞假酒假唱假新闻 2)大雨大风大雾 3)自我意识竞争意识 4)恶性循环恶性肿瘤恶性通货膨胀 5)一次性拖鞋一次性付款 Exercise 对下列“假朋友”进行改译: 宰客slaughter customers 自学self-learn 寒衣cold clothes (电脑)死机system dead 彩票colorful tickets 风凉话cold word 扣帽子put a hat on 来信写到the letter writes 大龄青年old youth 赢得市场gain market 定向培训training for certain direction 抓紧时间grasp time firmly 提高英语水平raise the level of one’s English 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c44f716bbd23482fb4daa58da0116c175f0e1e99.html