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2014-12-22 大耳朵网站

5 Differences Between Real Friends and Fake Friends

1.Support you in all your endeavors 不遗余力的支持你

A real best friend will encourage you with anything that you try! Whether it be taking up square dancing, or changing your career path, a real friend will be there every step of the way.


2.Love your dorky personality 包容你执拗的性格

We all have those dorky things we do on a regular basis. A real friend loves those things! In fact, if they are a true real friend they just might join in with you! 平常我们或多或少都会做些蠢事,真正的朋友会包容你这些。实际上,如果是真正的朋友,他们还会和你一起犯傻。 3.They keep your secrets 保守你的秘密

If you can trust anyone to not gossip around town about your dark little secrets, it’s your real friends. A real friend values your confidence, and will not tell anyone.

如果你相信有人不会八卦你的小秘密,那个人就是你最真心的朋友。真正的朋友会在乎你的秘密,不告诉任何人。 4.They constantly keep in contact 会一直保持联系

Fake friends will only contact you when they need something or want to know some juicy gossip. Real friends will contact you wherever and whenever because they are always interested in what’s going on in your life. They don’t have to know the latest gossip about your relationship. They might just want to know what you had for lunch today.

假朋友只有在他们需要你或是想八卦的时候才会联系你。不管何时何地,只要想要知道你现在怎样,真正的朋友就会联系你。他们不必知道你感情上的最新趣闻。他们也许只想知道你今天中午吃了些什么。 5.Always have a shoulder to cry on 总会给你一个可以依靠的肩膀

A big difference between real and fake friends is how they deal with your ups and downs. If you’re feeling down, a fake friend will pat you awkwardly on the shoulder and try to change the subject. Your real friends will wrap you in their arms and listen to you blubber all night, if you want them to. Real friends are there for you, whether you’re happy or sad.


