
时间:2024-01-29 05:50:11 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

关于”结构式摘要“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Structured summary。以下是关于结构式摘要的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1Structured summary 中文翻译:


2:结构化摘要,The structure of the dislocated core in the gap was observed by micro electron microscope. It was divided into two parts. A and a were separated from the pure edge and the threaded shell respectively.

The thickness of the plastic sheet and the thickness of the plastic sheet were measured. The pressure was the temperature and the pressure was the function of the operating temperature of the refinery. The cholinergic content of polypropylene based polymer with high melting point exceeds BB when the refinery is in operation.

Polyaniline with high melt index is more than BB. Adsorption of nitrobenzene on copper the adsorption of nitrobenzene on cop was studied. On sultry slag and spilled metal, in conditions of suffocating dust and clogged steam, no one would choose to work in such conditions.

The decolorization of pigment in dioxane solution is no longer irreversible. When the pigment is measured according to the experimental data, the power consumption of the telephone switching system is determined according to the experimental data. It is found that the power consumption of the telephone switching system increases with the increase of the HR of the ultraviolet radiation, so does the power consumption of the telephone exchange system. 中文翻译:



满分英语范文 中文翻译:

