现代新理念英语 初中捷进语法4习题

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4 初中捷进语法○

一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.Bob came to beijing (visit) the Summer


2. (see) nobody in the classroom,Robert went to the playground.

3.I am very happy (hear)the news.

4.I’m sorry to hear that you are ill.I hope you (get) well soon.

8.Mother told me (not read ) in the sun. 9.Its not easy (learn) a foreign language well.

10.You are tired. Youd better ______(take) a rest.

11.Its cool out side. Why______(not go) out for a walk.

12.Its necessesary for children______(sleep) for 8 hours every day.

13.______(eat) too much is bad for your health. 14.Remember______(bring) your dictionary here tomorrow.

15.The worker finished______(repair) the car very soon.

16.It took me an hour______(finish) my homework.

17.This novel______(like) by everyone. 18.These new cars______(make) in China.

19.The Great Wall ______(know) all over the world.

20.English______(teach) in many schools in China.

21.A lot of Chinese teachers______(want) in America every year.

22.The League meeting______(hold) yesterday afternoon.

23.I______(tell) to wait for him at the school gate.

24.All kinds of books______(sell) in the bookstore.

25.He raised his voice to make himself___(hear) clearly.


1He is a student at Oxford University,____the computer science.

A. studied B.to study C.studying

2The women wasnt rich enough___a house to live in. 3She often gets good marks and that makes her parents.

A.feeling happy B. to feel happy C.happy 4I saw Mr Wang __our school just now. A.come into B. to come into C. coming

5She was glad to see her child___good care of at school.

A.take B. taking C.to take

6She asked whether it ___tomorrow., A.will rain B. would rain C.whether

7Please tell me_to get to the station. A. how can I B.how I can C. if I could

8My class teacher asked me __born in 1996. 9Where is Lucy? I am not sure, She___in the school library.

A.maybe B.must be C. may be

10Hangzou__be an interesting place fo r many people visit it evey year.

11Must I finish my homework?No, you__, you ___finish it tomorrow. 12Keep quiet! You ____talk loudly in the reading room.

13The little boy wishes that he___in the sky. A.can fly B. will fly C. could fly 14.Its useful____spoken English. A.for you to learn B.of you to learn.

C.of you learning 15.They wont be back until the work__. A.dose B.has done C.is done 16.Today Chinese____by more and more people around the world. A.is spoken B.is speaking C.spoke 17.When your homework____,you may go out. A.finishes B.has finished C.is finished 18.The bridge____stones. A.is made from B.is made of C.is made into 19.____the window____every morning? A.Is, cleaned B.Is, cleaning

C.Is, Dose clean 20.The room is very clean.It____twice a day. A.is cleaned B.was cleaned C.cleaned

21.The telephone____by Alexander Graham Bell

in 1876.

A.was invented B.has invented C.is invented

22.The teacher____carefully when she gave an interestinglecture.

A.listened to B.was listened C.was listened to

23.Many trees____every year and its bad for the environment.

A.are cut down B.were cut down C.cut down

24.Whos the little baby in the photo? Its me.This photo____10 years ago. A.was taken B.is taken C.took

25.______the news, they all jumped with joy. A. To hear B. Heard C. Hearing 三、按要求改写句子,每空一词。

1.The boy is very strong. He can lift the heavy bag.(合并为一句)

The boy is ____ ____ ____ ____ the heavy bag. 2.The boy is too short to reach the top of the shelf.(改为同义句)

The boy is__ ___ ____ he____ ____ the top of the shelf.

3.Light travels faster than sound, the teacher said.(改为间接引语)

The teacher said____light ____faster than sound.

4.He didnt know where he would live.

He didnt know____ ______ _____. 7.They are having a meeting ? ___ ____ they_____? 8. The girl is not old enough to take care of herself.( 改为同义句) The girl is ____ ____ ____she____ take care of herself. 9.It took the workers three years to build the railway.(就划线部分提问) ____ ____ ____ it ____ the workers to build the railway. 10.Jims mother said to him, Dont play with fire.

(改为间接引语) Jim s mothe ____ him ____ ____ ____ with fire.

