一口气英语作文35 Happiness Lies in Contentment (2008-09-16 09:23:07) [编辑][删除] 标签:最美丽的观众 一口气英语 作文 教育 分类:一口气英语演讲及作文 Happiness Lies in Contentment He who is in constant pursuit of happiness will never find it because happiness is not something tangible that one can easily grab but rather a state of mind. True happiness lies in contentment. Here are some tips for us to always be happy. First, we should be content with who we are. We don't have to compare ourselves with others or try to be someone else. By simply being ourselves, we'll be happy. Second, we need to be satisfied with what we have. It's enough for us to be happy. We should value the simpler things like our health and freedom. Having more won't necessarily bring more happiness, because real happiness is satisfaction from within. Third, we have to be content with the present. We can enjoy life and its many precious moments and experience each day to the fullest. Fourth, we must realize happiness is a choice. We decide if we want to be happy. We determine our level of contentment. Happiness depends not on position but on disposition. We can choose to be happy, satisfied and content. In conclusion, we must always remember happiness liesin contentment. We should be grateful for what we have, behappy and satisfied with our lives. 知足常乐 一直在追求快乐的人,是永远无法找到快乐的,因为快乐并不是实质的、可以容易得到的东西,而是一种心态。真正的快乐在於知足。以下就是一些诀窍,让我们永远保持快乐。 首先,我们应该对自己个人感到满足。我们不必和他人比较,或想做别人,只要做我们自己,就会感到快乐了。第二,我们必须对我们所有的一切感到满意。这些就足够我们快乐了。我们应该要珍惜更简单的事情,像是我们的健康和自由等。拥有更多未必会更快乐,因为真正的快乐是一种发自内心的满足。第三,我们必须对现在要知足。我们可以享受生命以及生命中珍贵的时刻,充分体验每一天。第四,我们必须了解,快乐是一种选择。我们决定自己是否要快乐,我们决定自己满足的程度。快乐不是取决於地位,而是取决於性情。我们可以选择过得快乐、知足。 总之,我们一定要记得知足常乐。我们应该对我们所拥有的一切心存感激,对我们的生活感到满足、满意。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c70b67a6cfc789eb172dc89d.html