增强记忆力和大脑能力的10个方法 有些人记忆力很强,哪怕是琐碎的小事情,容易理解新的事物,你是否也能像他们一样呢?开发你的大脑潜能,你需要保持大脑活跃和敏捷。浪费时间看冗长的电视剧是没有用的。除开用抽认卡的方式,你还能有什么方法记忆和认识新的事物呢?下面就是一些方法: Exercise & get your body moving – exercising doesn’t just exercise the body, it also helps to exercise your brain. Obesity and the myriad of diseases that eventually set in as a result of being overweight can cause serious harm to the brain. Furthermore, without regular exercise plaque starts to build up in your arteries and your blood vessels begin to lose the ability to effectively pump blood. Plaque buildup leads to heart attacks, but it also reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients that your blood carries to your brain. When the nutrients don’t make it there, the brain’s ability to function is compromised. To prevent this from happening, make sure you get moving every day, even if its just a brisk walk, it’ll help you maintain and increase your mental accuity. Brisk walking , swimming and dancing are all excellent activities. 1. 身体运动训练--运动不仅仅是锻炼身体,而且可以锻炼大脑,肥胖和疾病导致的体重超标非常损伤大脑。而且,没有常规的训练,血斑阻塞动脉和血管,导致其供血性能将会降低。血斑最终会导致心脏病,同时也会减少大脑的养分和氧气。当缺乏养分的时候,大脑就不能正常工作了。为了避免这些,保证你每天的运动练习,仅仅是走走,也会有好处。快跑,游泳和跳舞都是非常好的运动练习。 Eliminate stressors and seek help for depression (if you have it). Anything that causes you major stress, like anger or anxiety, will in time begin to eat away at the parts of your brain that are responsible for memory. Amongst the most brain-damaging stressors is depression, which is actually often misdiagnosed a a memory problem since one of its primary symptoms is the inability to concentrate. If you can’t concentrate, then you might feel like you are constantly forgetting things. Depression increases the levels of cortisol in your bloodstream, which elevates the cortisol levels in the brain. Doctors have found that increased cortisol diminishes certain areas of the brain, especially the hippocampus, which is where short-term memories are stored. Prolonged depression can thus destroy your brain’s ability to remember anything new. Seek professional help to combat your depression – your brain will thank you. 2【减少压力,压抑的话,请人帮忙(如果你有的话)】想愤怒和焦躁这些压抑的情绪,将会占领你大脑司管记忆的部分。压抑是一种压抑大脑的情绪,导致注意力不能集中,而且通常被误诊为记忆的问题。如果你不能集中注意力,你将会经常忘记事情。消极增加了血液中醇的含量,将会提升大脑中醇的含量。医生发现醇将会降低部分大脑的功能,特别是海马区,司管短期记忆的地方。长期的压抑将会损害你的大脑,不会记住任何新鲜的事情,所以请人消除你的压抑情绪,你的大脑会感谢你的。 Get a good night’s sleep and take naps. Getting a consistent 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night will increase your memory. During sleep, the brain firms up memories of recently acquired information and getting enough sleep will help you get through the full spectrum of nocturnal cycles that are essential to optimal brain and body functioning during the waking hours. Taking a nap throughout the day, especially after learning something new, can also help you to retain those memories as well as recharge your brain and keep it sharper longer. 3. 【晚上睡好,平时打打盹】每天晚上睡7-8小时有利于增强记忆力,睡觉的时候,大脑将最近摄入的信息安排得更加紧密,一天晚上充足的睡眠周期对于大脑和身体的运作非常重要。在白天打打盹,尤其在学习到新的内容后,也可以帮助你记住这些内容并保持你的大脑更加敏捷和锐利。 Write it down. If there’s something you want to remember, writing it down can help. Writing it down creates oxygenated blood flow to areas of your brain that a responsible for your memories and literally exercises those parts of it. You can start a journal, write yourself e-mails, or even start keeping a blog – all of these activities will help to improve your capacity to remember and memorize information. 4. 【写下来】如果你需要记住一件事情,写下来。写下来将会产生带氧的血流将会增进你的记忆。你可以写日记,或者给自己写Email,或者写博客--所有这些将会帮助你记住信息。 Listen to music. Research shows that certain types of music are very helpful in recalling memories. Information that is learned while listening to a particular song or collection can often be recalled by thinking of the song or “playing” it mentally. Songs and music can serve as cues for pulling up particular memories. 5. 【听听音乐】 研究表明,特定的音乐对于记忆很有帮助,在听音乐过程中记住的内容容易在回想音乐的时候被回想起来。歌曲和音乐可以当作你回忆的线索。 Feed your brain. 50 to 60 percent of the brain’s overall weight is pure fat, which is used to insulate its billions of nerve cells. The better insulated a cell is, the faster it can send messages and the quicker you will be thinking. This is precisely why parents are advised to feed their young children whole milk and to restrict dieting – their brains’ need fat to grow and work properly. Skimping on fats can be devastating even to the adult brain. Thus, eating foods that contain a healthy mix of fats is vital for long-term memory. Some excellent food choices include fish (especially anchovies, mackerel and wild salmon) and dark leafy green vegetables. Deep-fried foods obviously contain fat, but their lack of nutritional value is going to help your brain or your body, so think healthy foods and fats. 6. 【补补你的大脑】大脑的%50-60%都是脂肪,这些使神经细胞隔离开来,神经细胞隔离得好,工作得更快。家长为什么只喂小孩奶而不吃其他东西就是因为他们的脑脂肪需要快速成长。对成人大脑来说,脂肪也很重要。吃富含脂肪的事物对长期记忆非常有用。这些食物有:鱼(特别是沙丁鱼,大鱼和野生鲑鱼),还有那些墨绿色的蔬菜。煎过的食物明显含有脂肪,但是缺乏大脑和身体需要的营养,所以不行。 Visual concepts. In order to remember things, many people need to visualize the information they are studying. Pay attention to photographers, charts and other graphics that might appear in your textbook, or if you’re not studying a book, try to pull up a mental image of what it is you are trying to remember. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/c978bb7c26d3240c844769eae009581b6bd9bd76.html