my hobby我的爱好-简单英语作文 Remember when I was in kindergarten, I like to read a little book. When I was in primary school, my father bought me a number of books, and also made a variety of extra-curricular books. When I have free time to indulge in the beautiful funny sentence and rich imagination. Once I was sitting on the sofa watching “Green fairy tale“, unconsciously fell asleep. Also made a dream, the dream of the prince and the princess of the happy ending, the hero to defeat the victory of the villain. Suddenly my mother woke me up, and I know it was a dream. And in the dream, everything so clear, seemed to be still to hear people cheering and shouting and the warm applause, mother woke up my: “stop dreaming, still not quick to dinner.“ I smelled a smell, it was a dream! I remember once, when I was absorbed in the world of “the mystery of the world,“ my father suddenly asked me to write a composition, but I did not hear. Look at. To be in the scene of the world. I also seem to have come to the world of imagination: Aliens invited me to their planet to sit down, and when I came to their planet after the discovery of their technology is very advanced, it is incredible. Imperceptible has arrived in the afternoon, my father saw I also rely on the sofa not to write a composition, flies into a rage yelled at me: “call you to write a composition on the topic, why are you still on the sofa ah!“ I was suddenly awakened replied: “I would write a composition to feed one”s sight on you.“ When my father was stunned when he read my composition, “good.“! Good! Good!“ The original reading can make people more knowledge and wisdom, this is my love has a special interest and hobby. 每个人的爱好兴趣多种多样,有新颖绝妙的,有平淡无奇的,我的爱好虽不新颖,却很广泛其中有看书.打羽毛球.游泳.打电脑等等,有时就连爸爸也时常感慨。而在这么多的爱好中,我还是对看书情有独钟。 记得我在上幼儿园时就喜爱看小图书。到了上小学的时侯,爸爸给我买的书籍不计其数,也订了各种各样课外书。我一有空闲的时间就沉醉在那美丽搞笑的语句和丰富的想象中。有一次我正坐在沙发上看“格林童话”,不知不觉就睡着了。还做了个梦,梦里全是王子与公主的美满结局,英雄战胜恶人的成功场面。突然妈妈把我叫醒了,我才知道原来是在做梦。而在梦里,一切都看的那么清晰,好像还听到了人们的欢呼声和呐喊声,还有热闹的鼓掌声,妈妈的一席话惊醒了我:“别做白日梦了,还不快来吃晚饭。”我闻到了一阵阵香味,原来那真的是一场梦呀! 记得还有一次,当我全神贯注着在看《万千世界之谜》时,爸爸突然叫我去写一篇作文,可我当时没有听见。看着,看着。不知不觉便置身于万千世界的场景中。我也好像来到了万千世界中,想象:外星人邀请我去它们的星球坐客,当我到它们的星球的之后发觉它们的科技特别兴旺,简直不行思议。不知不觉已经到了下午,爸爸观察我还靠在沙发上没去写作文,就大发雷霆的对我怒吼:“叫你去写作文,你怎么还靠在沙发上啊!”我立刻被惊醒的答复道:“我会写一篇让你大开眼界的作文。”当爸爸看完我的作文时目瞪口呆的说:“好!好!好!” 原来多看书能让人增加学问与才智,这就是我情有独钟的兴趣和爱好。 本文来源: