重阳节英语诗句 【篇一:重阳节用英语怎么说】 重阳节用英语怎么说? 重阳节用英语怎么说? 重阳节 double ninth festival 情景对话(重阳节用英语怎么说) oh,today is the double ninth festival.i almost forgot.i promised to go to climb the green mountain with my parents.will you join us? 噢,今天是重阳节。我差点忘了,我说过要和父母一起去爬青山。你要不要跟我们一起去? 【篇二:教你重阳节英文介绍】 [教你重阳节英文介绍] the double ninth festival(the ninth day of the ninth lunar month)重阳节农历九月初九,两阳相重,故叫重阳,重阳节又是老人节,教你重阳节英文介绍。九月重阳,金风送爽,重阳自然是登高远眺的好时节,在这一天,人们佩带茱萸,携酒登山,畅游欢饮。当然,重阳登山不仅仅是因为秋高气爽的好天气,做为重阳节一大重要习俗,登山源于一个为民除害的民间传说。关于这个因民间英雄而兴起的节日,虽然大部分人都可用汉语来讲述,但若想把它送出国门之外,讲给老外听,似乎还是难了那么一点点。来吧,阅读一下以下文字,相信会对您有所帮助。 【篇三:重阳节有关词语翻译整理】 重阳节 double ninth day 登高climbing mountains 赏菊admiring beautiful chrysanthemums 喝菊花酒 drinking chrysanthemum wine 插茱萸 wearing/inserting dogwood 吃重阳糕 eating double ninth cake 老人节senior’s day 祭祖 visiting the graves of ancestors 烧香 burning incense sticks 九月九日忆山东兄弟 as a lonely stranger in a foreign land, at every holiday my homesickness increases. far away, i know my brothers have reached the peak; they are wearing the zhuyu, but one is not present 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/cd205079846a561252d380eb6294dd88d0d23dc9.html