
时间:2022-03-19 14:56:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




In a twinkling of an eye, we had a different Teachers Day in the autumn when the sky was high and cloudy and the wind was bright. 98日,那天晚上,同学们正在想着怎么才能给我们的老师一份祝福。最后大家一致认为今年我们要给老师一份不一样的礼物。

On September 8, that evening, the students were thinking about how to give our teachers a blessing. Finally, we all agreed that this year we should give the teacher a different gift.


The next day, the students all acted in accordance with yesterdays plan. In English class, as soon as the teacher came in, he saw the big words “Happy Teachers Day” on the blackboard. He

was very happy. After the dictation, we took it seriously and gave the teacher a big gift: in the case of more dictation content, there are still many full marks, the overall score has risen a lot,www.zuowenla.cn English teachers hope that we can continue to maintain.


In math class, the teacher said “class”, we said “stand up” and “hello, teacher”, but also from the heart to the teacher a few words “Happy Teachers Day” and “Teacher you worked hard”, I found that the teacher laughed. Students who used to talk in class stopped talking and listened more carefully. The teacher was very satisfied. 其余的课上,不论是语文物理还是地理,老师都是期待满满的上课,收获满满的下课。这里的收获,肯定是指祝福与期望的。快放学了,数学老师进来说今天的作业质量不错,物理、英语、语文老师也都很高兴。

The rest of the class, whether in Chinese, physics or geography, teachers are looking forward to full class, harvest full class. The harvest here definitely means blessings and expectations. School is almost over. Mathematics teachers come in and say that the quality of todays homework is good. Physics, English and Chinese

teachers are also very happy.


On this Teachers Day, instead of sending flowers or greeting cards from stores, we take practical actions. This way, teachers are satisfied with our performance, and we also gain more knowledge.
