
时间:2022-03-19 14:56:30 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




Today is the annual Teachers Day. I decided to have flowers for my teachers, math teachers and Chinese teachers.

今天早上我早早的来到学校,但是我到教室一看,呀!都已经来这么多人啦,我走到自己的位子上,见别人都带一朵花,我一拍脑子叫:!忘带钱买花了。我又想:算了吧,今天早上没买,那下午买好了!下课后,我看见别人都去给老师送花,我虽然没带钱,但我还是想去,但这种想法很快被我阻止了。 I came to school early this morning, but when I came to the classroom, I saw that so many people had come. I went to my seat and saw that everyone else had brought a flower. I brainstormed, “Ah, forget to bring money to buy flowers.” I thought: Forget it, I didnt buy it this morning, but I bought it in the afternoon. After class, I saw others send flowers to my teacher. Although I didnt bring any money,www.zuowenla.cn I still wanted to go, but this idea was quickly blocked by me.



Finally, I finished at noon. When I got home in the afternoon, I couldnt wait to buy two flowers for my teacher. Now those two flowers have been sent out by me. My heart is beating like a rabbit. I sent the flowers with gratitude, but I was still not happy, because there is another flower in my hand, I want to send it to my beloved Chinese teacher, Mr. Li, but now the Chinese teacher was called away by Mr. Li Bin, so it can not be sent for the time being. 我现在非常感谢您们老师,是您把我从一个不懂事的小学生教成六年级的大学生,是您把知识传授给我,在最后的一年中,我一定会好好学习。在初中里,我也会时常想来起您,想起您对我的教导。我会永远永远记住您对我们的爱,也会时常想起您在我日记本上一个个修改的符号,和一个个那优良的标记。 Now I am very grateful to your teachers. It is you who taught me from an ignorant pupil to a sixth-grade College student. It is you who taught me the knowledge. In the last year, I will study hard. In junior high school, I will often think of you, think of your teaching to me. I will always remember your love for us, and I will always

remember your modified symbols and excellent marks in my diary. 我深深地鞠了一躬,感谢教师给我的教育

I bowed deeply and thanked the teacher for his education.
