
时间:2022-06-06 13:07:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


世界环境保护日 世界环境保护日的来历 1972 年联合国在瑞典的斯 哥尔摩召开了有 113 个国家参加的联合国人类环境会议。会议讨 论了保护全球环境的行动计划,通过了《人类环境宣言》。并将 6 5 定为世界环境日。以后,每逢世界环境日,世界各国都开展 群众性的环境保护宣传纪念活动,唤起全界人民都来注意保护人类 赖以生存的环境,自觉采取行动参与环境保护的共同努力,同时要 求各国政府和联合国系统为推进保护进程做出贡献。

关于《人类环境宣言》 《联合国人类环境宣言》,简称《人类环境 言》。于 1972 6 16 日斯德哥尔摩联合国人类环境会议全体 议通过。它是人类历史上第一个保护环境的全球性宣言,它对激 励和 导全世界人民奋起保护环境起到了积极的作用,具有重大历史意义。 宣言的内容是由各国在会议上取得的 7 项共同观点和 26 项原则组成。 休息一下 请先看小品 休息完了 接着往下看 诗朗诵:请留下 表演者: 环保小儿歌 你拍一,我拍一,保护环境放第一 你拍二,我拍二。 看见垃圾弯弯腰; 你拍三,我拍三。避免垃圾堆成山; 拍四,我 拍四。提篮买菜是好事; 你拍五,我拍五。生活环境靠你我; 你拍 六,我拍六。果皮纸张不乱丢; 你拍七,我拍七。野餐旅游没垃圾; 你拍八,我拍八。乱砍树木要严抓; 你拍九,我拍九。废物回收利 益久; 你拍十,我拍十。保护环境靠大家。

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沪江英乐讯 联合国环境规划署每年 6 5 日举行世界环境日

( international environment day )纪念活动,发表环境现状的年 度报告书及表彰全球 500 佳,并制定每年的世界环境日的主题。这 些主题的制定,基本反映了当年的世界主要环境间题及其环境热点, 2009 年世界环境日的主题为 —— 地球需要你:团结起来应对气候变 ( your planet needs you-unite to combat climate change ) 国的主题:减少污染 -- 行动起来。

全球 10 大环境问题: 1 、气候变暖 2 、臭氧层破坏 3 、生物多样性 减少 4、酸雨蔓延 5 、森林锐减 6、土地荒漠化 7、大气污染 8、水 体污染 9、海洋污染 10 、固体废物污染。

artist aqua song we belong to the sea take me to the ocean blue let

me p>anything ill ever capture you can wait up all night waiting for wrong or right i always knew where i had you you can lie on my waves you can sleep in my caves living on the edge of peace knowing that water can freeze do you still want me to open come on into my waves you can sleep in my caves let me know that you will hold me till the tides take my soul we belong to the sea to the waves you and me living in the ocean so blue we belong to the sea open wide being free a minute everlasting with you and as soon as it stops well all be a drop coming down on your wide open sea can you wash me away will you dry me one day take me to the place where i came from if i had an open heart would you tear that apart why do i feel that youre

lonesome come on into my waves you can sleep in my caves let me know that you will hold me till the tides take my soul we belong to the sea

to the waves you and me living in the ocean so blue we belong to the sea open wide being free a minute everlasting with you and as soon as it stops well all be a drop coming down on your wide open sea theres a thunder

inside me that your silence will kill and i know that you forced me to get rid of what i feel we belong to the sea to the waves you and me living in the ocean so blue we belong to the sea open wide being free a minute everlasting with you and as soon as it stops well all be a drop coming down on your wide open sea
