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【期刊名称】《红河学院学报》 【年(),期】2012(010)006

【摘 要】《九歌》诸篇,宾、主、彼、我之辞驳杂,这不仅对理解文意造成一定的障碍,甚至还妨害到对篇章题旨以及文本性质的理解。《山鬼》作为《九歌》统一整体的有机组成部分,因文中指代关系纷杂而造成误读的现象也存在。而造成这种误读的根本原因就在于没有弄清《山鬼》一篇究竟是独唱体,还是对歌体。通过梳理《山鬼》篇中驳杂的指代关系,能够重新认识《山鬼》的整体结构,从而更加明确《山鬼》实为祭祀对歌的性质。%In thenine songs,the

subjects,objects and reference relationship are so confused,which makes rather difficult to comprehend the thematic structure,the connotation,and the text features,and so on.Mountain Ghost as one organic component of the unified whole of Nine Songs, also makes people confused. The most fundamental reason why it is so elusive is that we can not confirm whether it is a solo style or an antiphonal style. In this paper, by combing the subjects, objects and pronouns of Mountain Ghost, we have the

opportunity to re-understand the whole structure of Mountain Ghost, then we can clear and definite that Mountain Ghost is a sacrifice antiphonal poetry.

【总页数】3(P48-50) 【作 者】丁涛

【作者单位】中国传媒大学文学,北京100024 【正文语种】 【中图分类】I222 【相关文献】

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