仁爱版英语七年级下册 Unit5_Topic2_失物招领类英语写作范文荟萃

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1. 假设你是李静,于周二下午在学校阅览室捡到书包一个,里面有三本英语和一本旧字典。请写一份失物招领,写五句话包含以上信息,不得使用真实姓名。 范文:


On Tuesday afternoon, I picked up a bag in the school library. I want to give it to someone who has lost it. There are three English books and an old dictionary in it. The owner of the bag may keep in touch with me at any time this week. My name is Li Jing and my phone number is 88745678.

2. 68日上午,你在中学生运动会上担当志愿者时,在体育馆(Gymnasium)到一只手表和一套运动服,并且兜里有贵重物品。很想尽快将其返还失主,联系方式为:22842158请根据以上信息写一篇失物招领启事,要求使用5句话表达相关内容,并且涵盖所有信息。 范文:


I found a watch and a suit of sports clothes in the gymnasium on the morning of June 8th. There are some valuables in the pocket of the spots clothes. I want to return them to the owner as soon as possible. Will the owner ring me up? My phone number is 22842158.

3. 假设你是小海。你在202118日下午在学校操场上捡到了一件校服。校服是蓝白相间的。旧的,中码的。口袋里面有一把钥匙。你想失主一定很着急,你把你的联系方式留在了失物招领处。请你为捡到的东西写一份失物招领。要求用上所有信息,意思连贯,符合逻辑。不得写出你的真实姓名。 范文:


On the afternoon of January 8th, 2021, I found a uniform on the school playground. The uniform is old and it is blue and white. There is a key in one of the pockets. The owner of the uniform may get in touch with me at any time. .




1、写一那么寻物启示:魏芳,七年级二班学生,本月5日下午在实验室遗失黑色大衣一件,大衣的口袋里有一个钱包,另一个口袋里有自行车的钥匙,拣到者请交给七年级二班班长或本人,将不胜感谢。七年级二班教室在教学楼东边。 范文:


I was careless and lost my black coat in the lab on the afternoon of 5th of this month. There is a wallet with some money in one of the pockets and in the other one there is a key to my bike. Will the finder send it to the monitor of Class 2, Grade 7 or to myself? Thank you very much. Our classroom is in the east of the teaching building. 2. 我叫Steve,在操场丢了一串钥匙,请打 86856034 找我,本人将万分感谢。


I lost a set of keys on the playground. At that time I was playing basketball yesterday. I am very worried about it. My name is Steve. Please call 86856034. I will be thankful if you can give it back to me.

