七年级英语下册 Unit5 topic 3知识点 仁爱版

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Unit 5 Our school life

Topic 3 My school life is interesting.


1.单词:Today adv在今天 n 今天 , Wednesday n 星期三 , Monday n 星期一 , physics n , Tuesday n 星期二 ,geography n 地理, Thursday n 星期四 , P.E. n 体育 Friday n 星期五 , art n 美术 , history n 历史, math n 数学, science n 科学, learn v 学习, easy adj 容易的, interesting adj 有趣的, difficult adj 艰难的, boring adj 无聊的, which pron 哪一 , subject n 学科, best adv&adj 最好地(的), between prep 在(两者)之间, Saturday n 星期六, February n 二月 , hard adj 努力的 adv 努力地 , story n 故事 friendly adj 友好 world n 世界 attention n 注意 stamp n 邮票,night n 夜间 , place n 地点,program n 节目, newspaper n 报纸.

2.短语: be over 结束 outdoor activity 室外活动 wait for sb 等待某人 every week 每周 have an English class 英语 my school life 我的学校生活 not…at all 一点也不,根本不 be friendly to… 对……友好 learn…from… 从……中学习…… on Wednesdays 在星期三 work on 从事 from… to… 从……到…… 二、词组例析:

1.outdoor activity 室外活动 activity是可数名词,其复数形式是把yi 再加-es 如: We usually have outdoor activities in the afternoon. 我们通常在下午做户外活动。 My favorite outdoor activity is running. 我最喜欢的户外活动是跑步。 2. have a class =have a lesson. 上课

We are having an English class/lesson now. 现在我们正在上英语课。 He has an art class/lesson every week. 他每周上一节美术课。

3. What do you think of…? =How do you like …? 你认为……怎么样?

What do you think of our city? = How do you like our city? 你认为我们的城市怎么样? What do you think of English? = How do you like English? 你认为英语怎么样? 4. learn… from… 从……学习,向某人学习

We can learn English from our teacher. 我们可以向老师学习英语 We should learn from each other. 我们应该互相学习。

有关短语 learn about 听到,了解 I want to learn about the history of China. 我想了解中国的历史。

5. Why don’t you…? = Why not…? 为什么不……?

Why don’t you like English? =Why not like English? 你为什么不喜欢英语呢?

Why don’t you play soccer with us? = Why not play soccer with us? 为什么不和我们一起踢足球呢? 6. between是介词,意为“在……之间,在……中间”,一般指两者之间,between…and…是介词短语,意为“ 在……和……之间”如:

The chair is between the bed and the desk. 椅子在床和桌子之间。 He sits between Lily and Lucy. 他坐在莉莉和露西之间。

7.thank you for sth= thank you for doing sth. 为……而感谢。 如:Thank you for helping me.= Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

8.be friendly to sb= be kind to sb .对某人友好。如:My teacher is friendly to us. 我的老师对我们很友好。Everyone here is very friendly to me. 这儿的每一个人对我都很友好。 9.favorite= like best 最喜欢

What’s your favorite sport? = What sport do you like best? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?


My favorite color is red. = I like red best. 我最喜欢红色。

10.Best wishes. 最美好的祝福。 wish 在此是名词,意为“祝愿,致意”。此外, 还作动词,意为“愿望,祝愿,希望”如:I wish you success. 祝你成功。I wish I’d never come.我真希望我没来过。

常见用法:1best wishes to/for sb. 意为“向某人致以最美好的祝愿”。如:Best wishes to/for you. 向你致以最美好的祝愿。(2best wishes for +节日,意为“致以……(节日)最美好的祝愿”。如:Best wishes for Teachers’ Day. 致以教师节最美好的祝愿。

11.It is time for+n表示“到……的时间了”。类似的还有:It is time to do sth./ It is time for sb to do sth.如:It is time for lunch. 吃午饭的时间到了。 It is time to have lunch. 吃午饭的时间到了。 It is time for Kangkang to have lunch. 康康吃午饭的时间到了。

12.from…to… 从……到…… 1〉表示时间 We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从周一至周五上学。2〉表示地点 It’s far from my home to school. 我家离学校很远。 三、重点语法 1、特殊疑问句 1要想学好特殊疑问句必须要掌握特殊疑问词及其用法,我们已学过的以wh 开头的特殊疑问词有:what, who, which, where, whose, why, when。其中what 用得最多。如: What’s your name? (问姓名) What class are you in? ( 问班级 ) What color is it? (问颜色) What time is it? (问时间) What’s this? (问物体)

What’s one and two? (问得数) What are you doing? (问事情)

2》此外who 常用来问“谁”,whose 问“物主”, which问“哪一个(些)”, where问“地点”,why 问“原因”,when 问“时间”。

3》我们还学过how, how 用法也很多,如:

How do you usually come to school? (问方式) How are you? (问身体状况) How old are you? (问年龄)

How often do you go to the library? (问频率) How long can I keep it? (问多长时间) 2、一般现在时

1》基本用法:表示经常发生的动作或现在存在的状态,常用于日常行为、习惯、能力、职业、特征、客观存在等。如:They often walk to school. 他们经常走着去上学。 2谓语动词形式:分为be(am/ is/are) 动词、实义动词、和情态动词加实义动词三种情况。如:I can speak a little English. 我会说一点英语

3》时间状语:always, usually, often, sometimes, every day, in the morning等。如:Sometimes he goes to school by taxi. 有时他坐出租车去上学。 3、现在进行时

1》基本用法:此刻正在发生或进行的动作。如:We are playing computer games. 我们正在打电子游戏。

2》谓语动词形式:be( am/ is/ are)+v-ing 如: She is reading in the library. 她正在图书管里看书

3》时间状语:now, today, these days, at the moment等。如:He is sleeping at the moment. 刻他正在睡觉。 四、重点句型:

