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院系(Schools and Departments 专业(Majors

大学英语教学部 Department of College English Studies

数学与计算科学学院(School of Mathematics and Computational Science 数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 信息与计算科学Information and Computational Science 统计学(Statistics

物理与材料科学学院(School of Physics and Material Science 应用物理学Applied Physics

电子科学与技术(Electronic Science and Technology 材料物理Material Physics

光信息科学与技术(Optical Information Science and Technology

化学工学院(School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 化学Chemistry

应用化学Applied Chemistry

化学工程与工艺(Chemical Engineering and Technology 材料化学Material Chemistry

高分子材料与工程(Polymer Material and Engineering

生命科学学院(School of Life Science 生物科学Biology


生物工程(Biological Engineering 环境科学Environmental Science

计算机科学与技术学院(School of Computer Science & Technology 计算机科学与技术(Computer Science and Technology 软件工程(Software Engineering 网络工程(Internet Engineering

电子科学与技术学院(School of Electronic Science & Technology 电子信息工程(Electronics & Information Engineering 通信工程(Telecommunications Engineering 微电子学(Micro-electronics 自动化(Automation

测控技术与仪器(Measuring and Control Technology & Instruments 电气工程及其自动化(Electrical Engineering & Automation

机电一体化/机械电子学( Mechanical-electrical Integration / Mechatronics


School of Administration

信息管理与信息系统(Information Management & Information Systems 物流管理(Logistics Management 行政管理(Public Administration

劳动与社会保障(Labor and Social Security 人力资源管理Human Resources Management 图书馆学(Library 档案学(Archives


(School of Economics)

国际经济与贸易(International Economics & Trade 经济学Economics 财政学(Public Finance

金融学(Finance and Banking 统计学(Statistics

电子商务(Electronic Commerce

工商管理学院(School of Business Administration 工商管理(Business Administration 市场营销(Marketing 会计学(Accounting

财务管理Financial Management 旅游管理(Tourism Management

法学院(School of Law 法学Law

社会学系(Department of Sociology 社会学Sociology 社会工作(Social Work

政治学系(Department of Politics 思想政治教育Education of Political Thought 政治学与行政学(Politics and Administration

哲学系(Department of Philosophy 哲学Philosophy 应用心理学Applied Psychology

历史系(Department of History 历史学History 考古学(Archaeological studies 中文系Department of Chinese Language and Literature 汉语言文学Chinese Language and Literature

对外汉语(Chinese as a Foreign Language


School of Journalism & Communication 新闻学(Journalism

广播电视新闻学(Science of Radio & Television 编辑出版学(Editing and Press 广告学(Advertising 外语学院

School of Foreign Studies 英语English 俄语(Russian 法语(French 日语(Japanese


School of Art 艺术设计(Art Design 平面设计(Graphic Design 绘画(Painting

音乐表演(Music Performance

导演(戏剧影视方向)Conductor for Drama 导演(表演方向)Conductor for Performance
