江苏省徐州市黄山外国语学校八级英语下册《Unit 5 International charities

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Unit 5 International charities Checkout



Period 10

总第 10 课时


Teaching pictures

Teaching To review key grammar and vocabulary items taught in the

unit aims Teaching To give students the chance to practise the grammar and vocabulary items in new contexts focus

Difficult To allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have

points Teaching method

Task-based approachScene pedagogy and Teaching with humor

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Part A

1) Review grammar in this unit. Complete their conversation with ‘used to’, ‘be used to’, ‘so…that’ or ‘ such…that’. 2) Check the answers. 3) Talk about charities. 4) Do some exercises.

Step 2 Part B Finish the word puzzle. Step 3 Say about Mandeep’s life.

Mandeep used to…… One day, …… Now, …… Mandeep hopes…… I think …… Step 4 Have a diction

Blindness is ______ for many people. I ______ that it could be cured. How, I know that ____ is that many poor people don’t have ______. An organization _____ ORBIS wants to help them. Many doctors and nurses _______ on patients and help ____ and nurses. An ORBIS doctor said that by ______, we can help _______. We are lucky. We should do all that we can to help people ________.

The second preparing


Teaching notes


1)《Unit 5 International charities Checkout

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