蹭课用英语怎么说 蹭课就是到别的班上来上课,有可能他喜欢这节课,有可能他是别的专业的感兴趣来听其他班的课。那么你知道蹭课用英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来蹭课的英语说法,欢迎大家学习 rub lesson 还有一些学生蹭课纯粹是兴趣使然。 Other students audit purely out of interest. 有了这样一份便携地图,学生们便可以设计出自己的蹭课路线图。 Students can design their own auditing route based on a handy map. 蹭课文化已经席卷了各大高校。 The trend of auditing university classes has swept across universities. 在大学里,蹭课是一种理想的学习方式,你可以不受约束地去尝试学习的新领域。 Auditing classes at university is an ideal way of learning or trying out new areas of study without committing yourself. 即使一位老师欢迎学生来蹭课,旁听者也要注意,不要占用老师的时间。 Even if a teacher allows students to audit a class, visitors should be careful not to occupy the teacher ' s time. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/846b4e3b56270722192e453610661ed9ad5155cb.html