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1. be capable of doing 有能力做--- 代替be able to do

2. It is widely acknowledged that----- :人们普遍认为代替People think that 3. accompany sb 陪伴某人 代替stay with sb 4. accomplish sth 完成--- 代替finish sth

5. have a sense of achievement 获得成就感 代替 make progress 6. launch a campaign 发起一场活动 代替 organize an activity 7. as a matter of fact/actually 事实上 代替 in fact 8. adore doing sth 喜欢做--- 代替 like doing sth 9. despite the fact that+句子 尽管 代替 although+句子 10. attentively 认真地,专心地 代替 carefully

11. occasionally/once in a while 有时 代替 sometimes

12. devote 时间 to doing sth 把时间投入到做---中去, 代替 spend time doing sth. 13. annually 每年 代替 every year

14. be anxious/be full of anxiety 担心的 代替 be worried 15. apparently 明显地 代替 clearly

16. appealing 吸引人的,有趣的 代替 interesting

17. be around the corner/be approaching 即将来临 代替 be coming 18. approximately 大约 代替 about

19. attach importance to sth/value sth 重视 代替 pay attention to 20. available 有空的 代替 free

21. I am convinced that+句子 我相信 代替 I believe that+句子 22. be of benefit to sb/sth ---有好处 代替 be useful to--- 23. as a consequence 结果 代替 as a result 24. in addition 此外 代替 besides 25. with caution 小心地 代替 carefully 26. challenging 有挑战的 代替 difficult

27. have a good command of---- 掌握 代替 master/be good at/do well in 28. take sth into consideration /account ---考虑进去 代替 consider 29. matter/count 重要 vi 代替 be important

30. be determined to do 决心做 代替 decide to do

31. a variety of ---- 各种各样 代替 different kinds of--- 32. distinguished 著名的 代替 famous 33. eventually 终于/最后 代替 finally

34. be exposed to English 学英语 代替 learn English 35. enable sb to do 使某人能做----- 代替 make sb do sth 36. have a taste for sth. 喜欢 代替 喜欢 37. fail to do 没能做---- 代替 be not able to do

38. do me a favor /lend me a helping hand 帮助我 代替 help me 39. Hopefully, 希望 代替 I hope

40. keep/bear sth in mind 记住 代替 remember 41. the moment ---- 代替 as soon as

42. convey/express one’s gratitude to sb 表达对某人的感谢 thank sb 43. be occupied with sth 忙于----- 代替 be busy with sth 44. It occurs to me that+句子 我想到 代替 I remember 45. participate in 参加 代替 join in

46. be qualified for doing sth 有资格做 代替 be good at doing sth

have a good command of sth ----掌握的好 代替 be good at sth 47. make great efforts to do /spare no effort to do 努力做 代替 try to do


48. raise people’s awareness of ----- 提高人们的---认识 代替 make people realize--- 49. be supposed to do sth 理应做 代替 should do

50. have a good understanding of sth ---了解 代替 know 51. be of help to sb ---有帮助 代替 help sb

be of benefit to sb ----有益处 代替 be good for--- 52. be delighted 高兴 代替 be happy

53. increasingly +adj越来越 代替 more and more +adj

54. an increasingly number of+n 越来越多的---- 代替 more and more +n 55. challenging 有挑战的 代替 difficult 56. be aware of 意识到 代替 realize 57. alternative 选择 代替choice

58. diligent 勤奋的 代替hardworking 59. distribute 分发 代替 hand out

60. be of importance /be vital/matter/count 重要的 代替 be important 61. object to 反对 代替 be against

62. make up one’s mind to do /be determined to do 下决心做 代替 decide to do 63. make sense of/figure out 理解 代替 understand 64. as well as 代替 and

65. make use of 利用,employ 采用 代替 use 66. be fed up with--- ---厌烦 代替 be bored with--- 67. promote 促进 代替improve

68. rewarding 值得的 代替 meaningful

69. participate in--- 参与,参加 代替 join in 70. in a flash/all at once 立刻 代替 immediately 71. a large quantity of +n 大量 代替 many 72. abundant 丰富的 代替 rich

73. contribute to---有帮助 代替 be of help to--- 74. come up with想到--- 代替 think of 75. set aside 节省 代替save

76. cover 覆盖 代替 walk/read 走了/读了 77. more than +情绪的adj 非常---- 代替 very 78. on account of 因为 代替 because of---

79. have a reputation for ----- ----而闻名 代替 be famous for--- 80. vary/differ 不同 代替 be different 81. keep --- in mind 记住 代替 remember 82. make it 成功 代替 succeed/be successful 83. feel at ease 感到舒适 代替 feel comfortable

84. make a difference to--- 有影响 have an effect on---- 85. appeal to 吸引 代替 attract 86. result in 导致 代替cause/lead to 87. sacrifice 牺牲 代替 give up

88. senior people/the elderly 老人 代替 old people

89. an approach to doing sth ----的方法 代替 a way to do

90. beneficial/worthwhile/rewarding 有益的,值得的 代替 good 91. awful/terrible 糟糕的 代替 bad 92. available 有空的 代替 free

93. regularly/frequently 经常的 代替 often 94. without delay 快速地 代替 quickly 95. reflect 显示,反映 代替 show 96. serve as 充当 代替 be

97. throw oneself into 开始投身 代替 start


98. during your stay in China 你在中国期间 代替 while you are in China 99. be in favor of---- 支持 代替support

100. enjoy great popularity 受欢迎 代替 be popular

101. give him a warm welcome 热情欢迎他 代替 welcome him 102. 待续中-----


句式一: 运用强调句

That experience made me more confident.

→It was that experience that made me more confident. 正是这次经历,让我更加自信了。 With the great pleasure I write to sincerely invite you to attend our coming-of-age ceremony.

→It is with the great pleasure that I write to sincerely invite you to attend our coming-of-age

ceremony. 我非常愉快地给您写信,诚恳地邀请您参加我们的成人典礼。


1Then I realized that it was by getting involved in the competition that I gained more self-confidence and enjoyed the pleasure of teamwork.

→Only then did I realize that it was by getting involved in the competition that I gained more self-confidence and enjoyed the pleasure of teamwork.

只有在那时我才认识到通过参与比赛,我获得了自信,享受到合作的乐趣。 2We had hardly got to the farm when we started to water trees.

→Hardly had we got to the farm when we started to water trees.我们一到农场,就开始浇树。 3. It can not only build up your body but also broaden your horizons. Not only can it build up your body but it also can broaden your horizons . 它不仅能增强你的体质还能开阔你的视野。


1Fortunately, we really did an excellent job and won the first prize. It made us delighted.

→Fortunately, we really did an excellent job and won the first prize, which made us delighted. 幸运的是,我们表现出色,获了一等奖,真让人高兴。

2There is a person who plays an important role in my life. It is beyond my description.

→There is a person who plays an important role in my life, which is beyond my description. 有一个人在我生活中起了重要作用,这是我用语言无法描述的。


1My hard work has paid off. I have achieved a lot. I am quite proud of it.

→My hard work has paid off, and I am quite proud of what I have achieved. 我的努力得到了回报,我对自己所取得的成就感到自豪。

2We should shoulder the responsibility to better our school. We really appreciate fulfilling it.

→Shouldering the responsibility to better our school is what we really appreciate fulfilling. 肩负起美化学校的责任是我们乐于践行的事情。


1I was encouraged by her. I made up my mind to have a try.

→Encouraged by her, I made up my mind to have a try. 在她的鼓励下,我决心尝试一下。 2After enough consideration, we wrote a letter to the headmaster. We sincerely expressed our great concern as well as giving some practical suggestions about the parking issue.

→After enough consideration, we wrote a letter to the headmaster, sincerely expressing our great concern as well as giving some practical suggestions about the parking issue.



3Our school encouraged the students to take outdoor exercise. Our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10.

→To encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10.



1If you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no effort to commit myself to your satisfaction.

→Should you entertain my application favorably, I would spare no effort to commit myself to your satisfaction.


2And I think that we need an indoor stadium and a swimming pool.

→And I think that if there were an indoor stadium and a swimming pool, it would be better. 我想,要是有一个室内体育馆和游泳馆,那该多好啊。

3With your timely assistance in giving me first aid, the consequences were not serious.

→If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, the consequences might have been serious.



1How happy I was to be one of the members in this warm family!

成为这个温暖大家庭的一个成员,我是多么高兴啊! 2How considerate of you to remember my birthday!



1Once the decision was made, we immediately set out to collect money.


2No matter how (however) tough the task is, there is no doubt that we will overcome all the difficulties and win a complete success.



1It goes without saying that ... “毋庸置疑……”

It goes without saying that time is precious for us students. 毋庸置疑,时间对我们莘莘学子着实宝贵。 2As an old saying goes “正如谚语所说……” As an old saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy.” 俗话说得好:诚实为上策。

3There's no doubt that ... “毫无疑问……”

There's no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of overusing the mobile phones.


4I'd appreciate it if you could ... “如果你能做……我将感激不尽

I'd appreciate it if you could bring it to me at your convenience tomorrow. 如果明天你方便的话给我带过来,我将感激不尽。 5it occurs to me that ... “我突然想起……”

Suddenly it occurred to me that he might have left it in the taxi.


突然,我想起来他可能将东西落在出租车上了。 6make joint efforts to do “齐心协力做某事

Let's make joint efforts to create a green and harmonious environment. 让我们共同努力创造一个绿色和谐的环境。

7be doing ... when ... “正在做……突然(发生了另一件事)”

Last Friday, I was stepping out of the school when a notice on the wall caught my eye. 上周五,我正走出学校时,墙上的一张通知吸引了我的注意。 8.否定词的运用

Of course, no tourists will miss the local food in Xi'an, nor will we. 过往游客都不会错过西安当地美食,我们当然也不例外。


With time going by, more and more people begin to realize the importance of protecting the environment.


With all the factors taken into consideration, I believe that you are sure to catch up with others in the near future.

考虑到诸多因素,我相信你一定会在不远的将来赶上其他同学。 10can't help doing ... “情不自禁做……”

Attracted by its natural beauty, we couldn't help taking lots of pictures, cherishing the wonderful memories close to nature and history.

被自然美景所吸引,我们忍不住拍了很多照片,留住与自然和历史亲近的美好记忆。 11It seems that ... “似乎……”

It seems to me that it is a good idea for you to do more reading. 我好像觉得多阅读对你来说是个好主意。

12can't be too+形容词 ……也不过分,越……越好

In my opinion, the importance of punctuality cannot be emphasized too much. 我认为守时(punctuality)的重要性再强调也不为过。 13on doing “…………”

On seeing the wall newspaper the next morning, our classmates were both surprised and overjoyed.

第二天早上同学们看到墙报,感到惊讶又高兴。 14can't wait to do 迫不及待做某事

On returning home, I couldn't wait to share the photos and experiences with my classmates. 一回到家,我就迫不及待地把照片和感受与同学们分享。 15make iteasy for sb. to do “使某人容易做某事……”

Having a mobile phone makes it easy for me to keep in touch with my friends. 拥有手机使我更容易和朋友保持联系。 16to one's joy “使某人感到惊喜的是

To our great joy, not only are our classes lively and interesting, but our school life is also rich and colorful.

让我们尤为惊喜的是,我们的课堂生动有趣,校园生活丰富多彩。 17What impressed me most was that ... “使我感到印象深刻的是……” What impressed me most was that I was awarded the first prize. 让我印象最深的是,我获得了一等奖。

18as+形容词/副词+as you can “尽可能……”

You should write as beautifully as you can so that the teacher will read them easily. 你应该书写漂亮些,这样老师能够看清楚。 19It is time that ... “该做……

Obviously, it is high time that we took some measures to solve the problem. 显而易见,该是我们采取措施解决问题的时候了。

