财务管理 课程描述
财务管理 课程描述 课程类别:学科基础 课程性质:必修 课程名称:Financial Management 总学时:48学时 学分:3学分 先修课程:无 一、课程简介 财务管理是应用性的经济、管理学科,本课程以企业资金运动为中心内容,以资金的筹集、投放、耗费、收入和分配为框架,阐述财务管理的基本概念、管理原则、管理制度等理论问题以及预测、计划、控制、分析等业务方法问题。全面阐述在新的理财环境下企业购并,资本运营及企业上市,跨国公司财务管理等前沿财务管理问题。 通过学习,使学生在系统掌握财务管理的基本理论和基本知识的基础上,熟练掌握财务管理的各种业务方法,培养学生的财务分析和解决财务管理问题的能力,为经营决策服务,并为学习其它课程打下良好的基础。 二、教学内容及基本要求 第一章:总论 (2学时) 教学内容:财务管理的概念、目标、原则和方法。 教学要求:掌握财务管理的概念,理解财务管理目标的主要观点及优缺点;掌握财务管理的原则;了解财务管理的主要方法。 第二章:财务管理的价值观念 (6学时) 教学内容:时间价值、风险报酬、利息率和证券估价。 教学要求:理解时间价值的概念、经济实质;熟练掌握时间价值的相关计算;掌握风险报酬的概念、单项资产风险报酬的计算和证券组合资产风险报酬的计算;理解利息率的概念与种类、影响利率高低的基本因素和未来利率水平的测算;掌握债券估价与股票估价的基本方法。 第三章:财务分析 (4学时) 教学内容:企业财务分析的基本理论与方法。 教学要求:了解企业财务分析的作用、目的、基础、种类和程序;能够正确运用比率分析法对企业偿债能力、营运能力和获得能力进行分析;掌握企业财务状况的趋势分析和综合分析方法。 第四章:长期筹资概论 (2学时) 教学内容:企业筹资的动机、类型和环境、筹资数量的预测方法 教学要求:认识企业筹资的基本动机与原则;理解企业筹资的不同类型;分析企业筹资环境及其对筹资的影响;掌握企业筹资数量预测的基本依据和具体方法。 第五章:长期筹资方式 (4学时) 教学内容:企业长期筹资方式的运用,包括股权性筹资、全权性筹资和混合性筹资三类。 教学要求:认识投入资本的主体、类型和优缺点;了解普通股的分类、股票上市决策、股票发行定价的方法;理解普通股筹资的优缺点;了解债券的种类、债券发行定价的方法、债券的评级;理解债券筹资的优缺点;了解长期借款的种类、银行借款的信用条件、企业对贷款银行的选择;理解长期借款筹资的优缺点;掌握租赁的种类、租金的确定;理解租赁筹资的优缺点;了解优先股的特征、发行优先股的动机;理解优先股筹资的优缺点。 第六章:长期筹资决策 (6学时) 教学内容:资本成本、杠杆利益与风险、资本结构理论和资本结构决策。 教学要求:理解资本成本的构成、种类和作用;掌握个别资本成本率和综合资本成本率的计算方法;理解营业杠杆的作用原理掌握营业杠杆系数的测算方法及其应用;理解财务杠杆的作用原理;掌握财务杠杆系数的测算方法及其应用;理解联合杠杆的作用原理;掌握联合杠杆系数的测算方法及其应用。 Financial Management: The statement of course Course category: the base of the discipline Course nature: required Course name: Financial Management The course: 48 hours Credits: 3 credit First courses: no A, course description Financial management is applied economy, management discipline, the course to enterprise capital movement as the center content, in order to raise funds, release, cost, income and distribution as frame, this paper expounds the basic concepts of financial management, management principle, management system and the forecast, theoretical issues such as planning, control, analysis and other business methods. The thesis discusses in the new financial environment enterprise annexing, capital operation and enterprise listed, the multinational companies, financial management, financial management frontier. Through the study, make the students master the financial management system of basic theory and basic knowledge, and on the basis of mastering the financial management of various business methods, training students' financial analysis and solve financial management problem ability, for business decision-making service, and to learn other course lay a good foundation. Second, teaching content and basic requirements The first chapter: general (2 hours) The teaching contents: financial management concepts, objectives, principles and methods. Teaching requirements: grasp the concept of financial management, understand the main ideas of the financial management target and advantages and disadvantages; Master the principle of financial management; The main methods to know about financial management. Chapter 2: financial management values (6 hours) The teaching contents: time value, the risk/reward, the interest rate and stock valuations. Teaching requirements: understand the concept of time value, economic essence; Mastering the time value of related calculation; Grasp the concept of risk/reward, single asset risk compensation and of the calculation of the portfolio risk assets of the calculation of the remuneration; Understand the concept of interest rates and the kind of high and low interest rates, affect basic factors and the future interest rate level calculate; Master bonds and stock valuation the basic method of the valuation. Chapter 3: financial analysis (4 hours) The teaching contents: enterprise financial analysis of the basic theory and method. Teaching requirements: to understand the role of enterprise financial analysis, purpose, foundation, types and procedures; Can correctly using ratio analysis of enterprise debt paying ability, operation ability and the ability to obtain analysis; Master enterprise financial status of the trend analysis and comprehensive analysis method. Chapter 4: long-term financing introduction (2 hours) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/d5de53fd950590c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563d1ed465.html