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关于简单的英语小诗欣赏 简单的英语小诗:A HOLIDAY 假日 Put by your book and late today! 六月天阳光多么灿烂, Thi i the unny month of June, 放下你们的写字板和课本, And we hall go thi afternoon 今天下午我们要翻山越岭, Over the hill and far away. 到遥远的地方去旅行。

Hurrahl Wef 11 have a holiday, 好啊!假日已经来临, And through the wood, acro the plain 我们要跨过平原,穿过森林, We’ll go, in unhine and in rain 在阳光下,在风雨中, Over the hill and far away. 翻过一座座小山去远方旅行。

Not one of u behind mut tay, 我们中谁也不许留下, But little one and all-mut go至连小家伙们, Where ummer breeze gently blow, 都得翻过山头去远方, Over the hill and far avayl 去那夏风轻柔的地方旅行。

Up the ladder, 快爬上梯子, Down the wall, 快眺下围墙, A penny loaf will erve u all. 一块面包共分享。

简单的英语小诗:A ROSE IS PINK 玫瑰花是粉红色的 What i pink A roe i pink 什么是粉红色的玫瑰花, By the fountain’ brink. 喷泉边的玫瑰花。

What i blue The ky i blue 什么蓝天空蓝, Where the cloud float thro’. 飘着白云的蓝天。

What i white A wan i white, 什么白天鹅白, Sailing in the light. 翱翔晴空似船来。 What i yellow 什么黄梨儿黄,Pear are yellow, Rich, ripe and mellow. 汁多、色鲜、喷喷香。

What i green The gra i green, 什么绿青草绿, With mall flower between. 青草丛中小花密。

What i orauge Why, an orauge 什么东西桔红色 Jut an orange. 嗨,桔子就是桔红色! 简单的英语小诗:THE MONTHS 月份 Thirty day have September, 四、六、九月、十一月 April, June, and November, 都有三十日和夜, All the ret have thirtyone 其余各月多一天 Ecepting February alone, 只有二月不一般, Which ha eight day and a core 二十八天平常年 Till leapyear give it one day more.闰年来时加一天。

简单的英语小诗:SPRING RAIN 春雨 Rain,rain,rain,April rain, 雨呀雨,四月的雨, You are feeding eed and grain, 你晶莹的雨滴闪闪发亮, You are raiing plant and crop 你用它把种籽和谷粒润育, With your gaily parkling drop, 你用它把庄稼和万物滋养。

In the un glitter bright, 阳光下,你灿烂生辉, Patter gently through the night. 暗夜里,你滴答轻响, On the branche bud will grow 你温柔多情的抚爱, With your oft careing flow. 催促枝头的蓓蕾成长。

In the wood violet blue, 林子里蓝莹莹的紫罗兰, Newly blown,will mile at you, 刚绽开,向你微笑, And we boy and girl will run我们男孩子和女孩子, Thourgh your hower in the ua. 穿过阵阵骤雨,在阳光下奔跑。推荐访问:
