
时间:2022-10-02 04:06:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Summer for Thee, Grant I May Be 要是我可以做你的夏天 Emily Dickinsonfang ——艾米莉·迪金森fang Summer for thee, grant I may be, 要是我可以做你的夏天, When Summer days are flown! 当夏季日子皆飞离不见,

Thy music still, when whipporwill, 我依然做你乐音绕耳畔! And oriole are done! 当夜莺和黄鹂曲尽歌完,

For thee to bloom, I'll skip the tomb, 为你绽放,我跳离那墓场! And row my blossoms o'er! 我的鲜花排列万千成行! Pray gather me anemone , 愿君摘取我——你的银莲香—— Thy flower forevermore! 你的花儿——永远为你绽放!

Simmer’s a Pleasant TimeTune---“Ay Waukin O”Simmer’s a pleasant time, Flow’rs of ev’ry colour;

The water rins* o’er the heugh*, And I long for my true lover. Ay waukin* O,

Waukin still and wearie Sleep I can get nane*

For thinking on my dearie.When I sleep I dream, When I wauk I’m eerie*; Sleep I can get nane,

For thinking on my dearie.Lanely* night comes on, A’ the lave* are sleepin’; I think on my bonnie lad,

And I bleer my een* with greetin’. Ay waukin O,

Waukin still and wearie; Sleep I can get nane For thinking on my dearie. 美好愉快的夏天美好愉快的夏天, 百花盛开争奇斗艳; 溪水流过峡谷, 我把至爱思念。 醒着吧,醒着, 安静地醒着,满脸困倦: 沉睡中我一无所获,

沉睡中我不能把爱人想念。一睡着我就做梦, 梦醒时我就心惊胆战;


沉睡中我不能把爱人想念。又是一个孤独的夜晚, 所有的树叶都已安眠; 我把俊美的爱人思念, 缠绵的期盼潮润了双眼。 醒着吧,醒着, 安静地醒着,满脸困倦: 沉睡中我一无所获, 沉睡中我不能把爱人想念。 SUMMER SUN 夏天的太阳

Great is the sun, and wide he goes 啊,多么了不起的太阳!

Through empty heaven without repose; 在广阔无垠的天空他不息地奔忙。 And in the blue and glowing days 在那炎热无云的日子里,|

Thicker than rain he showers his rays, 他把那无比稠密的阳光撒遍大地。

